Chapter 5: To What Do I Owe The Pleasure

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I sat back into my office and had to force myself to stop slumping my shoulders. I sat down at my desk, thoughts of Gianna still dancing around my head. Why did she care if Justin and I were hanging out? Why did I care that she cared if Justin and I were hanging out? I sighed, trying to shake the thoughts out of my head. We were all in our late twenties, there was no reason that this needed to be turned into some high school drama with a girl throwing a fit over jealousy of a boy. 

I looked up at my computer right as a ding of a new message popped up on the screen.

"Justin Collins: Do you have a question two for me? We're supposed to ask 5 a day and as of yet, we've only done one and the day is running out."

I smirked and was quick to type out a reply. 

"Alissa Lauren: What was your childhood like?"

I sat back in my seat, drumming my fingers on my desk as I waited for a reply. 

Quickly I was met with a ding of Justin replying.

"Justin Collins: We are already getting deep on question 2? I had a fine childhood. My parents divorced when I was younger, spent most of my days with my mother and my grandparents up in Stratford in Canada. Dad was in and out throughout my life. He's remarried now with three children, and I'm genuinely happy for him. He's a good guy, my parents were young and he just didn't have it all figured out when I came along."

I couldn't hide my smile at how vulnerable and open Justin was being with me. I caught myself having to unhook my upper teeth from my lower lip, licking them quickly and typing up a quick response.

"Alissa Lauren: Consider it innocent curiosity, I like how open you were with your answer."

Justin's response was instantaneous.

"Justin Collins: I trust you, and I believe it is now your turn to answer the question, Miss Lauren."

I couldn't stop the stupid grin on my face if I tried as I typed an answer. He trusted me and for whatever reason, that made my heart speed up.

"Alissa Lauren: Interesting would be the best way to describe it. My parents are still together, I'm the eldest sibling. So, I felt like I had to always had to be the best role model. There was always a lot of pressure on me from my parents, they have always been hard on me. They wanted me to be a little housewife barefoot and pregnant in my kitchen, so they were shocked when I decided at 16 I was going to be a lawyer. They are the ones who told me to get married at 18, I think they just wanted me out of the house and hoping getting married would change my mind and make me want to be a house wife. When I got divorced they told me I couldn't come back to live with them. To be fair, I was 25 and grown, but the house was in my ex's name so I had nowhere to turn to once he kicked me out. I worked nights as a waitress at the time and used up pretty much all my money at the time to rent hotel rooms and put gas in my car. It was hard, but it shaped me who I am today. I'm proud of how I've got where I am now."  

I paused rereading what I sent after I had already hit enter... talk about word vomit of the century.

Distracting myself from the trainwreck of a message I just sent to Justin, I glanced over at my schedule for the day. I had about ten minutes until I needed to leave to head to court for a trial that was starting at three for one of my clients.

The ding of my computer's messenger system made my heart flutter. Why was I acting like a high school girl?

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