Chapter 7

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The Awakening

"Just consider hardships as another part of training and keep working hard."
~ Tsuboi Ryoutarou aka Klein ~
~ Sword Art Online ~

'Heroes.' - Thoughts
"Always." - Speech
"Lose." - Technology
"Something." - Super Moves

~ New Arc! ~

Opening his eyes, Izuku was blinded by a bright, white light. "Where," He began as he tried to sit up, only to feel a massive headache and a sore throat. Instinctively, he brought up his right hand to his forehead, but instead of the rough hand from years of hard work that he usually felt, he felt something alien to him. "Am... I?" Izuku looked at his right hand and saw a prosthetic hand where it should be.

Unknown to him, he started to cry as he stared at his prosthetic hand in complete shock. Trying to remember whatever he last experienced, Izuku's heart rate suddenly increased immensely, all due to fear as he shakily looked down at the rest of his right arm, only to see it was also replaced with prosthetics. With his left hand, Izuku wiped his tears away before slapping himself, literally slapping some sense into him. Unfortunately, he slapped himself so hard that he knocked himself off the hospital bed that he was on and tried to catch himself using his right hand, but it was too slow.

Now on the ground, Izuku accidentally tore off the tubes that provided him oxygen through his nose and dragged his patient monitor to the ground. "I'm... in a hospital." He concluded, trying to calm himself down, though he could already hear the rushing of footsteps getting louder. After a few seconds, Izuku set his monitor upright and used its stand to support himself as he stood up.

As soon as he stood up, the door slammed open to let both Inko and Recovery Girl into the room. The latter of which was pulled by the green-haired heroine using her Quirk. But immediately upon seeing her son awake, Inko ran through the room and hugged him, albeit a bit too tightly.

"You're okay," Inko said while sobbing, which wet Izuku's hospital gown. "Thank goodness... I thought I lost you." She continued to sob as Izuku tried to hug her back to comfort her.

Now that Recovery Girl wasn't being dragged around by a worried mother, she was able to go to the machines that Izuku wasn't hooked up to at the moment. But since Izuku was still connected to the arguably most important machine in that room, Recovery Girl needed to separate the mother and son duo.

"Inko, you're going to hurt the poor boy, let him breathe!" The elderly woman nagged, causing the sobbing woman to slowly and shakily release the grasp that she had on her son. "Now, Midoriya, sit down so I can make sure you're ready to go into rehabilitation."

Complying with her orders, Izuku sat down on the edge of the bed while Recovery Girl inspected the patient monitor. While she did that, Izuku noticed that his muscles seemed to have weakened and shrink slightly since the time at USJ. Sighing he tried to move the prosthetic just as he would move his regular arm and, surprisingly, it moved just like his arm used to, albeit much slower.

Noticing her son's small conflict with his new arm, Inko sat next to him on his left and gripped his left hand comfortingly. "I know it must be hard for you," she said weakly, both of them saddening at her tone. "But... you saved all of us."

"I did?" He asked, completely shocked as the last thing he remembered was the Nomu creature ripping off his arm. "How... How did I do it?"

"You used your Quirk." Interrupted Recovery Girl as she continued to look at his patient monitor, seeing no irregularities.

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