Chapter 16

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The Grand Finale

"Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary."
~ Gerard Way ~

'Time' - Thoughts
"For" - Speech
"The" - Emotions/Electronics
Finale! - Breaks/Notes

~ BTYB All-Might beating up nameless villains ~

After a short break, the top four students in the entire competition were gathered on a new, much smaller stage with just a podium built into it instead of an entire fighting stage. So, gathered together by Inko, Izuku stood on the tallest podium with Katsuki on the second-tallest and both Ibara and Fumikage sharing the lowest podium. Though oddly enough, Katsuki was in a straitjacket with a muzzle forced onto his face, just for everyone else's safety. Also so UA's public events wouldn't be banned from public television.

Once everyone had sat down in the stands, the final part of the Sports Festival could finally begin. "Welcome back, listeners!" Present Mic shouted, initiating the final event of the festival as he would usually start his talk show. "I hope you enjoyed the festival cause now it's time for the Awards Ceremony!"

"And this year, our ceremony will be-" Inko continued but found herself cut off as someone shouted while they descended from the heavens.

"I, All Might, will host the awards ceremony!"

The man among men had made his dramatic entrance while in his golden age costume, one of the few variations of his costume that fans made notice of. Though no matter how much Izuku want to 'nerd' out at that moment, he could sense his mother's inner rage.

That rage was only clarified to the viewers at home when she used her Quirk to grab All Might by the collar and whispered, "You were one second off. One. Second." She whispered as her hair seemed to cover her white sclera, making her green eyes appear almost demonic. "You had one job. And. You. Messed. Up."

"It won't happen again, I swear on my life!" He shouted low enough so the audience could hardly hear.

"I'll need a vow better than that."

"I swore on Young Midoriya's life!" He panicked, hoping that would make it better to the woman.

"That's worse!"

Meanwhile, the select few students close enough to hear the argument got some free entertainment (plus Izuku recorded it). Although there was still a ceremony to go through and Hisashi knew better to interrupt his wife when she was angry. Being the brave (and only other one who could stop them) Present Mic cleared his throat right next to his microphone, making sure the two heroes would realize they weren't in their own little world.

"Right," All Might mumbled as Inko walked out of the pit while Midnight came out with a small box. "This year, I will present these finalists with their medals!"

Opening up the box in her arms, Midnight took out the first two medals, both of them made of pure bronze. Taking the medals, All Might stood in front of the lowest podium and gave Ibara her medal first.

"Tied for third place, we have Ibara Shiozaki, a student of Class 1-B with great potential to become a hero for any situation." Announced All Might before leaning closer to whisper, "Just make sure you can watch out for your weaknesses, okay?"

Nodding, Ibara gratefully took the medal and smiled at the cameras. When she did, she seemed like a picture perfect girl that would be eaten up by photographers the moment they got the chance.

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