Ladybug and Chatnoir

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Something strange had happened today. The two heroes of Paris had been fighting a villain, then suddenly it stopped. The akuma just flew out on its own accord and the villain turned back to normal before walking off and thanking the two for saving them. Both heroes were intrigued- this never happened. Ladybug had captured the akuma and turned everything back to normal, but something was strange, why had this happened, why didn't they have to break the object that the akuma was in?
"Ladybug can we talk" said Chatnoir
"What you mean about this? It's strange isn't it?"
"No. It's actually about something more personal"
"Oh ummmm, ok"
"Today is sort of a special day for me"
"It's your birthday?"
"Not my birthday, my mother's"
"Awhh, well tell her happy birthday from me - well don't but - yeah heheh, you get what I mean"
"I would but... I can't. My mother is dead"
Ladybug gasped "oh my gosh Chatnoir! I'm so sorry, I had no idea. If you ever need to talk I'm here for you ok?"
"Alright" Chatnoir wiped the slight tear from his eye "I just miss her so much"
"I bet you do. I can't even imagine what It would be like to lose a parent"
Ladybug flew up to the nearest roof and signalled for Chatnoir to follow
"Thanks for taking it so well"
"Why wouldn't I?" She said, perching down on the roof top. " you're always here for me when I need you Chat, just remember I'm here for you too" Ladybug started to think. Yes, Chatnoir was indeed always there to help her, even when she was herself and felt alone after Adrien couldn't show up for ice cream, Chatnoir was there for her, even when she wasn't wearing her mask. Maybe....maybe? No, she was being stupid, or was she?
"Thank you"
"Look at the sunset"
"Wow, it's almost as beautiful as you M'lady"
Ladybug blushed a scarlet red but also smiled. She turned to Chatnoir, trying to read his bright green eyes as they gazed back at her. Before she knew what she was doing, she leaned in, and kissed him. Chatnoir looked shocked but pleased.
Ladybug's earrings beeped. She stood up and turned her head to Chatnoir.
"I'm about to transform back, see you next time Chatnoir?"
Then she flew off into the distance. After a few minutes Chatnoir stood up and then left too, back to his house, full of joy and love.
Little did he know he was in for a shock.

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