Part 4 - save me

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Adrien tossed and turned in the night. All the little boy could think of was his mum. The last time he had scene her she had sung him a lullaby to sleep and whispered how much she loved him, before leaving the room and closing the door with a gentle click.
His blonde hair kept on going in his face and as he brushed it out of the way all he could think of was his mother.
He managed to shut his eyes and drift of to sleep, but he only dreamt bad things. Images of his poor mother being dragged viscously under water as she screamed for help.
"Save me" she would cry, staring into Adrien's frightened eyes before eventually being completely pulled under.
Adrien felt useless. In his dream he couldn't save his mother. In real life he couldn't save his father from the darkness that appeared when she disappeared.
He wished he had super powers. Then he could save his family and they would all live happily ever after.
The other dreams he had were just as bad. Sometimes he was the one in distress, being pulled into the freezing cold sea.
Eventually the nightmares stopped. But he never forgot.

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