Chapter 16

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Klaus spotted Caroline across the dance floor walking toward him as slow, sad violin music began to play. There was something haunting about the sight of her all in white coupled with the music; the light hit her in just a way that made her look like nothing more than a tempting spectre just out of his grasp. A second later she disappeared from his eye line, covered by the crowd of revelers in masks.

"Klaus." Marcel appeared from thin air at his side, Klaus nodded in his direction, complimenting him on the ball. "I owe you a lot, you know. You taught me everything I know. I would have never had the strength to take this city and keep it and rule as I have if it weren't for you."

Klaus's mouth turned up into a small smile. "You've done well, I always knew you had potential to be something great."

The muscles in the vampire's throat corded as he swallowed and Klaus noticed a melancholy fog tainting the usual merriment in his eyes. "I hope you understand . . . I have to protect what is mine, always and forever, no matter the cost. You taught me that." Marcel turned his head toward Klaus. The look in his eyes was dead and cold. A sliver of ice crept into Klaus's already cold heart as the mewling melody of violins carried the vibrancy of the party into a more resigned tone. "I'm sorry," said his old friend.

Klaus opened his mouth to ask him what he had to be sorry for, but the question fell dead on his lips as pain lanced through his skull. He fell forward, clutching his temples, knowing in the back of his mind that witches were the source of the mental torture. Around him there were shouts of agony as the other vampire guests fell victim to the spell, but he could sense Marcel next to him still standing tall, immune.

He gritted his teeth and managed to raise his head. The vampire revelers had fallen to the floor, but in the center of it all he saw a sight that caused him more anguish than the hammer chipping away in his skull.

Caroline stood frozen, frightened and tensed. There was a man with his large hand wrapped around her collarbone, grinning like the devil in Klaus's direction.

"Enough, enough," the man commanded, waving his free hand in the air.

Klaus felt the pressure within him release and he gasped in relief. His eyes darted up and caught sight of the Devereux witches lowering their arms to their sides. There must have been a dozen more of their coven surrounding the courtyard. He turned his eyes up to his friend, wondering what unholy alliance Marcel had struck with the witches he had claimed to hate so much. Marcel was standing there, looking down at him with the same dead expression.

"I didn't have a choice," was his only explanation. "He arrived right before you did."

Red streaked rage flooded Klaus's vision. All he could see was the myriad ways he would be killing Marcel. All he could taste on his tongue was the sweet copper of Marcel's blood. Klaus cursed the day he had plucked the boy from the side of the road and offered him a chance at more power and a better life.

A small whimper quelled his vengeful thoughts and Klaus's attention returned to Caroline and the man holding her.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he began, waving an arm out with dramatic flare.

"Silas, I presume."

Silas dropped his hand, letting it bounce dejectedly against his leg. "I guess I won't need an introduction," he said. "We can get on with it then, I suppose. You see, while you've been wasting time reveling with the sinners and following dead end spells and mythology, I've been making a few promising deals." Silas turned his attention to the entire room of vampires, who were enthralled with his speech, listening as if their lives depended on his every word. "Most of you don't know who I am or anything about me. Maybe you've heard stories but, in short, I'm the reason you all exist. Without me, immortality would have never come to pass." He spun in a small circle as he spoke, directing Caroline along with him, who was otherwise frozen under his hand.

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