7. Good To Be Home

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"Guys, I feel incredibly stupid for doing this." Brea yelled. The team decided to test Brea to see if she withheld the speed ability like Barry. "Might I add, I'm not much of a runner."

Dr. Wells reached up to the microphone. "Trust me, Miss West, this is just a safety precaution."

She glanced at the boxes that were restacked behind the treadmill and scrunched up her nose. "If you say so. Let's get this over with." The treadmill started up and Brea started walking, breaking into a light jog. She felt the machine pick up speed and panicked. She was going to tell the team to turn the treadmill off, but she flew into the boxes before she could utter a word. Barry and Cisco ran to help the girl up while Dr. Wells held Caitlin back to go over medical observations. 

"Are you okay?" Cisco asked.

"I've been better." Brea grunted, removing the packaging peanuts away from herself. After she was pulled from the ground, Caitlin's heels came echoing through the room. "What's the sitch?"

"Everything looks normal. You said you felt fine, so I think it's safe to say you can go home." Caitlin announced. Brea thanked everybody and headed towards the door. A huge gust of wind followed by an orange light swept Brea off her feet and she found herself on the front porch of her home, standing next to Barry.

"I've got to get used to that." She managed to breathe. "A bit of a warning next time, will ya?"

Barry chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind. Bye, Brea."

"Wait, you're not gonna come in? You can't leave me hanging like this, Bar."

"I'm sure you can talk to your family without me. I'll see you tomorrow." And he sped out of the neighborhood. Brea used the spare key, since she didn't have any of her valuable items she possessed the night of the explosion, and walked through the door. Joe and Iris were sitting on the couch when they heard the door creak open and turned around.

Tears gathered in Brea's eyes at the sight of her family. Iris held her hands over her mouth as Joe's tear ducts filled. "I'm back...again." Brea choked out with a chuckle. The three eventually broke out of their frozen position and moved in for a warm hug. Once they pulled away, questions began flowing on when she woke up and if she should even be up moving around. "I woke up a couple of hours ago. The people at S.T.A.R Labs ran some tests and said I was good to go. Trust me, I'm fine. Better than ever, actually."

Joe was troubled by the thought of something being wrong with his daughter, considering the circumstances of his adoptive son, but he pushed the idea away and left her to get settled in. Brea went into the bathroom to take a steamy hot shower, but before then, she briefly scanned her appearance in the mirror. Seeing as her birthday had passed while she was comatose, she saw how mature she looked. Baby face still intact, but the year difference was noticeable. Brea took note of the abs that sat on her midriff. Concluding that the changes in her physical appearance followed after the explosion she hopped in the shower and proceeded to get ready for a good night sleep.


Brea walked through the halls of S.T.A.R Labs the next day, anxious to talk to Caitlin. She received a call about some of the test results and was told to head to the laboratory as soon as she could. Brea already had an idea about what was discovered within those tests, but wanted to hear it from the doctor herself.

"Glad you could make it." Caitlin greeted.

"Well, you said to come as soon as I could, so here I am." Brea said.

Caitlin didn't beat around the bush with her invitation. "Are you familiar with a serum called Mirakuru? I ran a test on your blood and found traces of it in your bloodstream."

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