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It was now monday morning. I was late. But could I help it? I wanted to look good for Delphine. I mean she always looked good. She was about to close the door. "Ms. Comier, wait!" I yelled running as fast as I could. Thank god she heard me. "Morning Cosima, you're late!" She was a bit annoyed right now.

"Good morning class, I have an announsment to make. We are going on a trip this weekend. To Paris," she told us and locked eyes with me. She continued talking. "I need a signature from your parents so I know it's ok for you to go, and then you have to find someone to share room with."

I looked around. Everyone seemed to already have one. Great, I was the only one without a roommate. Scott was sharing with his boyfriend.
After class Delphine told me to stay. I was upset that I didn't have a roommate this weekend. I've always been alone. I know I got Scott, but he also has his boyfriend.

I waited until my classmates was out of the room, then I packed my bag pack and made my way down to Delphine. "Ms. Comier, I can't go on the trip. My parents are dead, so they can't sign," I said. She looked at me. "Dont worry about that," she told me and caressed my cheek with her hand. "You're coming no matter what. Did you find a roommate?" I shook my head no. "It's ok, you and I can share a room."

"Thanks a lot Scott," I said angry and slapped him gentle. I have done that a lot. "You're sharing a room with Ms. Comier. That's going to be so much better than me," he teased. I rolled my eyes.

Then I could smell her. Her perfume. It's sounds creepy, I know. I turned around and saw Delphine standing in the line getting some food. She was with Mr. Peterson who was my science teacher. I guess she could feel my stare so she looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. I smiled back and when she looked away I started to blush.
It was now friday after school and we were all meeting up at the airport. It was going to be a 8 hours flight. Too long for my liking. I was sitting next to Scott. He agreed that we could sit together. After all we didn't share a room at the hotel.

We finally arrived at the hotel. I couldn't she how Delphine were going to keep an eye on 20 students in 3 days. We found our rooms. Delphine had the key to the room we were sharing. There was only one bed. A queen size one. Great.

After having some time to unpack our stuff we got to explore the city. I just wanted to stay at the hotel to get some reading done. "Cosima?" I looked up. "You dont want to join me?" She asked. "Im tired," I told her. She looked at me and then walked out of the room.

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