chapter 3

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binch jr: selfie

binch sr: Why were you and shuri @ loki's house

road work: he wanted to binge voltron and paint our nails

road work: don't worry thor, valkyrie, and verity were there

scared emo: i love how you don't trust me

road work: i read your name as sacred emo and now i'm imagining priest loki as a youth pastor

binch sr: Why did you change your name to road work

road work: well

binch jr: apparently there are no road work ahead signs in wakanda

road work: so i didn't really understand the vine until i came to new york

road work: i had to ask scott what it meant bc peter couldn't stop laughing

scott: just doing my part in this world


scott: i have an actual JOB that i actually DO

scared emo: are we all ignoring the fact that shuri imagined me as a youth pastor

road work: @loki it's you

scared emo: did you take ten minutes to google a youth pastor and put my face in it on pic collage

binch jr: I'M CACKLING

scott: youth pastor voice: loving the lord is lit yo! jesus t-posed it save the world!

scared emo: @shuri add scott to pictochat

scared emo changed scott's name to youth pastor impersonator

youth pastor impersonator: this is wild

binch jr: welcome to the heathers bitch

scared emo: i'm chandler, peter's mcnamara, and shuri is duke

road work: @scott you're veronica

youth pastor impersonator: does this mean i have to murder loki

scared emo: please do

scared emo: @tony come here

binch sr: What

scared emo: bitch

binch sr: Blocked

scared emo: unblock me for a sec i have to tell you something

binch sr: What

scared emo: bitch

youth pastor impersonator: the hap is fuckening

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