Who Got the bullet?

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Running around Chris's house I gathered my stuff and headed for the door.

"Stop, wait!"

Turning around I could see the worried face of Chris. I Hated it so much now.

"I'm sorry I did that to you, I didn't mean for that. Please don't hate me. I have had a crush on you for the past year. I just now got the confidence to start presenting my self to you to get you to like me. I was waiting till styles was out of the picture, but I couldn't wait for that to happen!"

Looking at him curiously, it's like he meant to say he had a plan.

"What do you mean out of the picture?"

"Never mind just forget it, just leave!"

Looking at him one more time I opened the door a little crack. I looked over at Chris one more time.

"You are one selfish bastard."

On that note he opened the door the rest of the way. He heard a sound a loud numbing sound of a gun go off.

The skin on his chest was ripped to shreds as his body was slung to the wall from the impact. And blood slid down his stomach and onto the floor.

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