Chapter 11

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Amara de luca

It's been three days I still haven't left my room. I've run out of tears.

I heard the doorknob turn.

I knew it was him

He left a plate of waffles beside the table and walked back to the door .

"Why?" I whispered.

He paused with his hand still on the doorknob he let out and soft sigh and kneeled down beside me.

" When I saw a little lady with Nutella on her face holding her plushie as a weapon in her puppy onsie the last thing I wanted to do was to see her go through such pain . I'm sorry I really am. Trust me Bella If I could change things I would in a heartbeat. Let it all out . Cry as much as you want but I can bear to see a single drop hit the ground. When you're ready I'll be there waiting "

He paused taking both of my hands in his hands and guided it to his eyes we stayed like that for a moment before he pressed his lips to my hands and stood up .

" I could've atleast seen them one last time" my voice trembled as I got the words out.

He opened his mouth and closed it again.

He walked out ignoring my question and stopped and he almost shut the door.

" Have something to eat, I'll be downstairs if you need something" he said his eyes refusing to meet mine.

My mind kept wandering back to my parents. I had no family not close enough or that I knew of. My parents were my safe haven. I couldn't imagine a life without them.

I can't get the fact that my mother will no longer be humming and dancing in the kitchen as she makes breakfast or my father will never feed me ever again.

How I'll never steal another piece of cookie while they're still cooling down .

Or that my father will never mess up my hair.

I will come back to an empty home.

That thought sent shivers down my spine .

I fell asleep.


When I woke up to a knock at my door .

" Hey?" he said.

I looked up. He was holding his hands behind.

" I know this is too early and you still need time to heal..... and figuring things out ..... So maybe..... I just thought-


I rose my eyebrows at him.

He blinked and held out the smallest puppy I had ever seen.

Seriously it was so tiny!

I took it from him I was so scared I was gonna hurt him/her.

It was a poodle but very tiny...?

It began barking so I set him down . He tried climbing on me and licking my face.

I laughed and I held him away from my face.

" It's a boy"

I forgot he was still standing there.

" Why is he so small?" I asked .

" He's custom-made , I figured since you weren't a fan of large ones you'd like him. Do you?" He looked at me expectantly.

"I do. Thank you" I smiled back at him.

"What do you want to name him?"


Heyloo pumpkin pies!!!

Did this chapter suck too much??

Suggest me a good name for the puppy?

Also there is a website called rollyteacup puppies where they have really really small puppies!!!!

I literally thought they were dolls or something.

Okay enough with the rant go ahead 💯

Have a lovely day / peaceful night bumpkins!

Much love❤️

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