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Mystic's Stepmother Banged on the basement door . "GET UP YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT AND MAKE US BREAKFAST!!!" Mystic reluctantly sat up on her mattress , Yes a mattress that was old and dirty all because her so called 'parents' thought that ungrateful fat brats like her don't deserve to have a peaceful life or sleep. "Right right I'm up...." Mystic mumbled and quickly got dressed ( A hoodie with holes in it and a pair of fading jeans) Mystic quickly grabbed her locket her mother gave her before she died. Mystic sighed , If she didn't hurry up she'd be in for a worse beating from both Rachel and Michael (Her stepmother and 'Father') she quickly ran upstairs and started on getting breakfast sorted. "Hunny its the brats eleventh birthday today right?" Rachel said to her husband Michael "Yes but dear don't worry shes probably a squib anyway" Both of them laughed at this. Mystic quietly sighed as she was frying the eggs "He's probably right anyway it wont matter they'll just keep me here Hogwarts or not." Mystic thought bitterly as she served Michael and Rachel "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT  I WANTED BACON YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Micheal roared as he stood up in fury , while all Rachel did was smirk at her "I-i-i-i-i'm s-s-s-s-s-s-sorry s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sir...." Mystic stuttered out , Micheal started to smirk widely "Basement NOW!" Mystic complied silently crying she knew what was going to happen. As soon as Micheal came down he started to beat her and cruico her , Rachel joining  in after a couple of hours

(At Hogwarts : Dumbledores office)

"Albus why have you called me here? i have a classroom to get ready for a bunch of imbeciles" Severus said annoyed " Well as you know Mystic Black is coming to school this year along with Harry potter , Since Harry has Hagrid to make sure he comes to Hogwarts , I was wondering if you could escort miss black to school." Dumbledore said in his usual kind and patient voice "Why ? Doesn't she have Micheal and Rachel to take her?" Severus said in a monotone voice "Severus you know full well that they are horrible people and even worse parents." Dumbledore said in a kind of angry voice. "Fine, I will go and get her so we can get her school supplies" Severus said  "Thank you my dear boy and good luck..." Dumbledore mumbled the last bit , As Severus Snape apparated away, Dumbledore had a hopeful look in his eyes 

(At the White Manor : In the Basement)

After Rachel and Micheal had finished they had left soon after, leaving Mystic with severe wounds all on her body and some on her face. Mystic started to sob very quietly so that her so called 'parents' could hear her. "Why , Why , why , why , WHY!?!" Mystic started to shout not caring anymore she was going to die eventually anyways , why not do it when she was young? When Mystic finally started to calm down , she heard a loud pop and not long after she hear the door open to the basement. Mystic fearing that they were coming down to punish her again started to shake and cry again. "P-p-p-p-p-please i-i-i-i'm s-s-s-sorry, p-p-p-please d-d-d-d-don't h-h-h-hurt m-m-m-me!" She said in a panic. But instead of Rachel or Micheal coming down it was a Man with greasy black hair going down to his shoulders and a very crooked nose. He looked at her with surprise and curiosity, but of course he looked a bit concerned because of her wounds. "Why would i hurt you and who did that?" The man asked the terrified Mystic Black,"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-because I-i-i-i-i-i-i'm a-a-a-a u-u-u-ungrateful b-b-brat" Mystic answered ignoring the strangers second question "Well Mystic I'm certain your not a ungrateful brat but theres another reason i came here." The man said

To be continued~)

A/N: Woah! Snape is actually being nice! This is kinda a remake of my other book "Golden Duet" If you like i could make a cross over chapter from this book? 

 All rights go to JK Rowling for the amazing Harry potter universe and characters but Mystic , Elena , Micheal , Rachel and others i might add!!

Pictures do not belong to me neither do any of the videos

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