Getting sorted

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"W-Welll who are you anyways?!" The boy Malfoy said.Mystic could already tell this boy was gonna be a ferret "Im Mystic Black" Mystic said with fake confidence 'What if he makes fun of me? I don't even know who my parents are for godricks sake!' She thought disappointed in herself. Everyone looked at her in shock and for some, fear . Her friends were looking amazed and shocked while Malfoy was looking at her in pure shock and confusion "W-W-W-What? B-Bu-b-but - " Before Malfoy could finish his sentence Mcgonagall came and got the first years for the sorting.

(At the sorting)

Professor Mcgonagall led the first years up to the front/middle then went up to a little stand in front of the teachers table and pulled out a a pointy wizards hat that looked like it had be worn multiple times,Then the hat started to sing!

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

Everyone started to clap and so did the first years though after a while of being confused. "I will call out your name in alphabetical order!"

"Hannah Abbot!"

(A while later : Hannah got sorted into Hufflepuff,Some got sorted into ravenclaw and slytherin though only one got sorted into gryffindor)

"Athena Williams!"

Athena looked at the girls worriedly,both of them gave her a smile and a thumbs up. The hat took a couple of seconds before announcing....


Athena looked very happy with this and skipped to the hufflepuff table were everyone was high fiving each other and clapping her. Mystic and Regina were extremley happy for her.But then shortly after Regina's name got called.

"Regina Raven!" 

Regina walked nervously up to the sorting hat and it only took a minute for her to get sorted.


Mystic cheered and clapped for her just like both girls did for Athena.Mystic was worried about their friendship though. "What if they make new friends and forget about me? What if they change their minds about me and just bully me instead?" While Mystic was thinking , Alot more people got sorted until it was her turn.

"Mystic Black!"

Everyone surprised and shocked and some even furious, The great hall for once went quiet. As Mystic walked up to the sorting hat , she saw that Athena,Regina, Harry and Ron, along with some muggle born first years. Even the teachers were intrested to see how this would play out.Too soon Mystic reached the sorting hat. 

"Well well , I haven't sorted a Black in a while."

"You can talk?!" Mystic said out loud. Most people Laughed.

"Of course dear girl and i am inside your mind only you can hear me."

"Well that perfectly makes sense now doesn't it? Just like how i always ride my pet unicorn into the mountains and over the rainbow." Was Mystic's Snarky reply

The sorting hat laughed "You have the same sense as humor as your father did. Also you inherited his Disobedience too I see..But you have the heart of your mother.."

"Wait!! Hold up! You met my parents?! "

"Yes i did. But thats not the time for that."

"I guess it will have to be...


Before Mystic walked away she heard the sorting hat say this "This is your story now Mystic Black I look forward to seeing you again dear girl."

(To be continued...~

Hoi! So im back! Sorry for the  long wait! Its just i didn't really have any inspiration! Also sorry if this is book doesn't make sense at times! Its just I read the books a LONG LONG LONG time ago and im reading them now too! Also what do you think of the girls being in Separate houses? Do you think the houses i put them in suit them? Also comment down below whats your hogwarts house!

All rights go to J.K Rowling for all the HP characters i only own My characters : Regina,Athena,Dues,Mystic,Elena,Micheal,Rachel and others i may add in the future


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