New friends?

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(September 1st)

Finally! It was time to go to Hogwarts! Mystic was packing her trunk (Micheal and Rachel gave her a bedroom after Professor Snape came) While Dues was out playing in the garden.She got his crate and stuff ready and got dropped of by Micheal and Rachel , She already knew where to go since Prof Snape told her when he dropped her off.

Well lets get a concussion! Okay but maybe Prof snape was joking? No i don't think he would be the type to joke about. Well I'll find out sooner or later! Mystic thought while getting ready to run. She looked around for muggles but saw none. "Well here goes nothing!" Mystic mumbled to herself. She ran through the wall. YES THROUGH THE WALL, Mystic was very amazed and pleased.

When she got onto the train all the compartments were full since Micheal and Rachel wanted her to have a chance at being late and missing Hogwarts. Bitches get Stitches , When Mystic found a compartment that wasn't awfully full or the people in it didn't sneer at her , The train had just started to move, There she saw two girls , One with Raven black hair  and another girl with blonde hair and yellow eyes? Well it didn't matter to her because they both seemed friendly and Mischievous. 'Perfect friends!' Mystic thought excitedly 

"Hello! I'm Athena! , Nice to meet you ! Do you like pranks?" The raven black haired girl , Athena said quickly. "Athena! Give the girl a chance to talk! Also I'm Regina." The blonde haired girl , Regina laughed. "Its fine honestly and Yes i do like pranks though i never did them much at home. Also Nice to meet you guys as well , I'm Mystic!" Mystic replied to the two girls. "Oh, Were your parents strict at home? Also what house are you hoping for? I'm hoping for.......

(To be continued )  

A/N : Sorry its short but what house should the girls be in? Seperate houses? Or in the same house? My computer is running low on charge so sorry for the spelling mistakes i dont have time to check this is might edit it later though)

All rights go to J.K Rowling for the harry potter universe I own nothing but my own characters (Mystic , Athena , Regina , Micheal , Rachel , Elena )

Pics and videos DO NOT belong to me

Goodnight / Evening / morning

Also! School is back for me so slower updates now but i will try to update once a week or so

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