Chapter IV

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Viktor's POV

I grit my teeth, eyes wondering up to the large school in front of me. Anderson Academy. It was advertised as a 'Prestigious school for troubled teens'. 'Prestigious' and 'trouble teens' didn't belong in the same sentence, much less in the same school.

The older man stepped around me without much thought. He didn't even spare me a glance as he stepped quickly towards the door. "Follow Nikiforov. Plisetsky, to your dorm. I don't want a peep out of you until the term starts back."

"Yes sir." The blond beside me all but scoffs, his bags already in his hands. With a roll of the eye and a last glance to me he was off. It was a rather graceful move of course. I don't think that boy could ever be anything but. However, I couldn't hear his feet as they walked over the gravel that lines the school. Almost as if he was too light for it. How he managed it I wasn't sure. Every step I took was accompanied by a 'crunch' of pebbles under my feet.

Yurio's form quickly turns a corner into what I could only assume was a dormatory. It was a large brick building covered by a vine covered fence. The building looked old and worn, like it had been here long before even the senior in front of me. I wouldn't be surprised if it had.

The entire school looked much like the dorm. Looking at the architecture it screamed gothic, with large churh-like arches and towers that rose far above our heads. Brick fell away to a nice off white wall, an arched doorway standing magesitcally at the center. From it say stairs leading to the ground. I found it hard to believe there were no gargoyles sitting on the edges of the stairs.

If you were to tell me this place was in Japan I wouldn't have believed you. Nothing from the front shouted anything but European. Even the fountain I walked past looked oddly like something you would see while strolling down the streets of Prague.

"Hurry up Viktor." The senior called out to me. He had already walked through the front of the school, now standing at the door watching me. Embarrassed I quickly picked up the speed. The odd cobblestone walls with flors loned with gravel would have to wait for my attention.

"Sorry." I mumble, running up the stairs and to the door. The senior only offered me a nod as he pulled open the wooden doors. It seemed a struggle for the frail looking male, but when I reached forwards to help he sent me a growl that had me backing away once more.

Only when the doors were pulled open did he motion me inside with a nod of his head. More scared than anything I oblige, stepping into the school without a second glance.

Inside, Anderson Academy showed only more European roots. Long spiraling staircases lead up to fourth and perhaps even sixth story floors. Even from the entrance, this building was probably the tallest I had ever been inside. The ceiling was so high it made my head spin.

I didn't have much time to dwell on this as the senior was walking once more. He nodded to a few younger looking people, probably students, as they bowed respectively to him. Teens would send glares my way as they passed. It seemed as though I had a disease and they wanted to be far away from me.

"If the school is in between terms why are people here?" I suddenly ask, picking up my speed to walk beside the older man. It was more normal to talk to someone rather than follow them like a helpless puppy.

"Well classes do start back again tomorrow." The senior says rather gently compared to how he had spoken before. Even the way he walked seemed more relaxed than when he had picked us up at the airport. I was left to wonder what made him so tense. "But students are free to stay in their dorms over breaks. It's easier for some to stay than to go back to their home environment."

I nod, my eyes scanning the hallway we walk down. The walls looked crumbly to the touch, almost as if one wrong thump and you would go crashing through the walls. Doorways popped up here and there. Some were large, opening up to other hallways. Others were smaller, classrooms sitting behind their entrances. Signs hung beside every door, labeling classrooms as 'maths I' or 'English V'.

The elder lead me all the way to the end of the main hallway, turning into a classroom. It was rather large for a classroom in my opinion. The front was accommodated by a large chalk board - odd in itself - while the other half of the room had a staircase like incline. Each row of seats were angles just above the other, reminding me of college classrooms I had seen on TV.

"Now you may ask your questions." The older man suddenly said. I turn at his voice, only to freeze at the sight in front of me.

The man had disregarded his cloak and, for the first time, I could see his face. It was scarred beyond belief. I could make out a large scratch mark training from his forehead all the way to his chin. One eye was closed by the scar and the other... was golden.

I mean GOLDEN. So unnaturally bright and gold it sent a shiver down my spine. Even with the wrinkles and obvious signs of aging his eyes held such youth. So much energy was held behind such an old soul. It was one of those things that just made you feel out of place. Almost like everything had been shifted to the left just an inch. It was just wrong enough to bother you.

"Uh..." The dung response slips past my lips before I could process what the man had said. His sudden facial appearance had caught me off guard. For a moment I stand flabbergasted by the senior in front of me. Eventually I gather myself enough to think through his words. Determination entered me at the prospect of some of my questions finding their answer. "Well, start from the beginning. Why am I here. Really. Something tells me this school's motto is bullshit."

"You get straight to the point, don't you?" The elder chuckles darkly. His golden eye seemed to stare directly through me as he sat down on the edge of his table. Even from just looking at his old, frail state I could see the man he must have been thirty years prior. Strong and relentless he must have been. "Sit down."

The elder pointed to the seat right in front of him. Without much of a fight I sit down at the desk, feeling more like a student once I had. The man in front of me nods. He seemed to be thinking over something before his mouth finally opened, silence broken.

"You're a werewolf."

Lone Wolf (Yuri on Ice AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ