Chapter 12: A Cursed Kingdom's Fall

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Shoko took one last look at the Omega Kingdom before dissolving into shadows. He would not return there for awhile. It haunted him too much, knowing that the monster who murdered him and his family once ruled that kingdom. Now, he had something else to do. He had to kill Karousun and wipe out Goldain entirely.

  He had nothing against the kingdom or its citizens. It was just Karousun. She had been trying to bring ruin to Shoko since he had first became king of Obsidian. She had not approved of the way Shoko ran Obsidian. She believed he was supposed to rule it with an iron fist, not a silk palm. Shoko had learned to simply brush off her constant babbling and complaining. But this time, she went too far. She had to die.

  It is hard to say whether or not Shoko did this of his own free will, or if some outside source or inner voice that was telling him that this was the right thing to do. If you asked him, he might not know the answer.

  Shoko was walking through the kingdom of Goldain towards Karousun’s castle. The people here were not like any of the other kingdoms. They were cruel, rude, rebellious, and bloodthirsty. Shoko knew that there was no saving them. The only way to truly save them was to wipe Goldain both from existence, and from the memories of the people. One man walked up to Shoko.

  “Hey you, what do you think you’re doing?” he asked in a very rude tone. Shoko raised an eyebrow.

  “That was rather impolite of you, wasn’t it?” asked Shoko.

  “Oh, shut up you little brat,” said the man. “I don’t know how things work where you come from, but right here, we are in control. You either do what we say or we kill you.”

  “Well, you certainly know how to put it bluntly,” said Shoko. The man growled in anger.

  “Just who do you think you are?” asked the man.

  “The king of Obsidian,” said Shoko.

  The man stepped back in fear, but regained his composure.

  “You certainly talk big, don’t you?” he asked. “But I am afraid talk isn’t going to intimidate me!”

  “Then how about this?” Shoko asked before he transformed to his ascended form once again. Now the man had every reason to be afraid. He stepped back and attempted to run away, but Shoko grabbed him by the collar of his shirt before he had any chance of escaping. Then Shoko took the Henka Blade and decapitated the man. The citizens of Goldain all stepped back in fear. Shoko looked at every one of them.

  “I am disappointed in all of you,” he stated. “I had expected you all to be good people. I had expected you all to be far above this. I was wrong to think in such a way.”

  Shoko walked away, when suddenly another man ran up and tried to stab Shoko. Shoko took the Henka Blade and cut him in half. Shoko stood still for a few seconds before walking away once more. Shoko eventually arrived at the castle, and was surprised to see Petunia standing outside the door. She looked frightened, and cold. Which was understandable considering it was almost winter.

  “Lady Petunia?” asked Shoko. “Whatever are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be inside the castle where it is safe and warm?”

  “T-they found out that I had told you,” said a shivering Petunia. “T-they threw me out. T-they couldn't stand the sight of me.”

  “Say no more,” said Shoko. “I shall have this situation taken care of.”

  Shoko once more summoned a Reaper, who bowed to him.

  “I need you to take Lady Petunia to the castle,” said Shoko. “She needs some hot tea and a change in attire. Make sure she remains safe.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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