London, England

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When I wake up, I realized I should've been mad at Luke for telling Em about the pregnancy thing. She acted just as I expected and I ended up getting hurt. I hear Ashton in the shower and decide to go in by him.

I open the shower curtain and he just stares at my fragile naked body. He pulls me in under the stream of water and barely kisses my lips.

"You make me want you even more." I say into his lips.

"Then come closer." We were about 5 inches apart so I got to the point where I could feel it touch my private area. He grabbed my butt and I pushed him against the wall.

He sticks his tongue into my mouth so our tongues can intertwine. I kiss his neck and we both fall onto the shower floor.

"Oh god." I start laughing.

He lays under me just smiling.

"You're such a beautiful human being Saphira and even when I think you couldn't be any more beautiful, you laugh at times like this which adds to your beauty. I love you. It may seem too soon but I know who you are and who you want to be. I'm starting to fall in love with you Saphira Talia James." he says so kindly and I know he means it.

He left me speechless. Every word he said I fell even harder then the last.

"Ashton... I love you too. You make me so happy."

I realized the water was still running so I turn it off. Who knew that Ashton Fletcher Irwin would tell me he loved me in the shower?

We put our clothes on in the bathroom then walk out together.

"Ooh someone got kinky." Michael says.

"How long have you been in here?" I ask.

"A few minutes! But, we were wondering if you wanted to come with all of us sight seeing?" he asks us.

We both nod then leave the room to meet up with the other seven boys and now two girls.

"Hey caleah!" I smile.

"Hey.. how've ya been?" she asks politely.

"Great and yourself?"

"Amazing. Calum is so perfect." she says.

I just laugh and we all hit the streets of London, England.

"Who would've thought I'd be traveling the world with Ashton Irwin?" I ask.

"I'm glad you are babe." he nuzzles up to me when we run into a large crowd of fans.

Tons of girls start to crowd around 1D and 5SOS pushing me, Kaitlyn, and Caleah all out of the group. Someone pulls me back in and I take pictures with tons of random girls and even some boys.

Harry makes his way to me with a little girl by his side.

"She wants us to take a picture with her." he says shyly.

"Of course, what's your name cutie?" I ask her.

"Zoey." she gives a cheesy smile.

She pulls out her iPod touch and Harry and I get on each side of her cheek giving her a kiss.

"Thank you!" she runs back off to her older sister and I smile at Harry.

"Come here!" he slowly walks over to me.

I wrap my arms around him while he rests his head on my shoulder. We stay in that embrace for a few seconds until I let go.

"I miss you." I say.

"Why can't we be together then?" he asks.

"I know you've been randomly kissing and who knows what else with girls you've met at clubs. I'm not blind." I say.

"Well I guess I messed up once again." he frowns.

"I told you we'd be ready when you grew up, plus I'm still figuring things out." I say.

"Alright, I love you." he walks away to meet with other directioners.

I find a way to escape and buy a pair of converse for tonight, they were blue and gray. The crowd had cleared up when I came back to look for Ashton.

"We're gonna head to the show, you coming?" he comes up to ask me.

"Actually I'm gonna stick around here for a bit. Text me when you're done." he kisses my cheek then leaves.

For the time the boys are gone, I roam the streets and buy a few souvenirs for myself and my mom. It was nice to have some time by myself. Then I get a call from Emerald.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey S.. I'm sorry I blew up on you guys and I just realized how big of a mistake I made. Will Luke take me back?" she asks.

"I don't know they're at the show." I say madly.

"I'm coming back in two days, tell him please."

"Why? you've done nothing but hurt me."

"You've hurt me too just please do it. I don't hate you."

I hang up and Ashton texts me saying they're done so I walk back to the hotel to meet them.

"How was the show?" I asked him.

"It would've been better with you." he makes a sad face.

"Oh stop let's go! I have a surprise for you in the morning." I kiss his lips and we walk into the elevator.

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