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Harry got up and walked to the bathroom, he was silent all morning. I sat at my desk waiting on Harry. He walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower and surprisingly put my hoodie on. It was to big for him but honestly, he looked adorable. He put on his black jeans over his underwear. I was on my bed drawing. He walked to me and moved my book and sat between my arms. (NOT INNAPROPREATLY, THEY WERE BOTH FACING THE SAME DIRECTION) I laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him and he held my hands. "was it you?" he broke the silence. "I'm sorry....I just snapped and she was harassing me" a tear ran down my face. "It's ok, just don't do it again,.....and.....I'm telling Ron and Hermione about me being bisexual and my feelings towards you.." he sighed. "Ok..... and I'll try and eat today." I responded. "Draco.....will you be my boyfriend?" he said pulling my arms motioning me to let go, and I did. We got up and I pulled him to me before he could open the door and kissed him. "ok" he smiled. We left the dorm and walked to our first class. At lunch Harry pulled me to the main hall and to the eight year table, we sat with Ron and Hermione. "Why is he sitting with u?" they asked. "I'm bisexual" Harry quietly said. I intertwined my fingers with his. "And this has what to do with Malfoy?" Weasley asked. Harry raised our hands so they could see. I was looking down the whole time. "Glad I'm not the only gay" Hermione smiled. "wait! Am I really the only one not gay in our group?" Ron asked. "I would guess so, unless your not straight." I finally spoke up. "Ok Malloy you said you were gonna eat, so eat" Harry looked at me. Potter and his two friends stared at me. Ginny came out of no where and smacked me in the back of the head, I grabbed her and flipped her into the table about to break her arm. "I have had enough of you people treating me as if I'm like you! WELL GUESS WHAT! IM NOT! So if I were you I would go run off somewhere and DONT EVER touch me again!" "It's not my fault that you almost KILLED someone!" She yelled. I looked at her in the eyes and threw her across the room. Thankfully none of the teachers were there. "Good job, your friends accept you potter." I put my hand on his shoulder then ran to the hospital wing. "Ah you came, you look upset. Did something happen?" Pomfrey asked. "Nothing just had to do something that I'm gonna regret." A few students walked in with Ginny, she was all bloody and her arm was broken. Harry, Ron, and Hermione we're behind them. "Potter! What happened!" She asked. "Uh Ginny was attacked in the hall, same was Pansy, oddly enough the wounds are the exact same." He answered. "Whoever this student is needs to go tell Dumbledore so they can get treated for their anger and punished for what they have done." She frowned. Once she was done I got up and walked to Dumbledore's office. "What is Malfoy?" He asked. "I'm sorry to tell you this but the two attack's were me...." I looked down. "I know, I know your reasons as well which is why I will only give you treatment for your emotions. No classes for you until you lose this attitude." He smiled. "Yes sir" I nodded and walked to my dorm. I slept all day until Harry came in. I woke up to him shaking me awake, "Draco! It's the girls! They are after you. AND YOU TOLD DUMBLEDORE?!" He yelled. I nodded. He slapped me.

I knew I messed up because it made Potter mad. "I'm sorry but I'm not going to fix this....I don't want to hurt anyone else.."he sighed and walked to the bathroom. I got up and walked to my desk and wrote a LONG letter, after I was finished writing I grabbed my wand and used a spell to cut my arm all the way up and to my collar bone. I soon passed out from blood loss.

(sorry it's so sort I just needed to change POV and didn't feel like writing anymore in this chapter)

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