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I calmed him down and Madam Pomfrey ran in. "Thank you for calming him....."she sighed "the past few days he's been having lots of seizures.." I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "This is all my fault....." I cried. She walked to me and said "It's not your fault, it's only his...." "HOW COULD YOU!!!!!" I got up and stormed off to my room and slammed the door locking it. For the rest of the day I was napping in Draco's hoodie and on his bed.


I woke up to see Madam Pomfrey, "Ah, glad to see you awake...." she looked down. "Harry is in your room." She sighed as if she did something. She left the hospital wing in a rush. After a few minutes I saw Pomfrey return with my lover. He watched me the whole time, but he ran over to me, crying. "I'm so sorry" he repeated this 3 times. I reached up, using all my strength, and cupped his cheek. I learned into my touch. He must have realized that I was in a lot of pain cause he grabbed my hand. He lowered my hand picked my up bridal style after disconnecting everything. I wrapped my arms around him as if I was hugging him. He carried me to our dorm and laid me on my bed. I felt that my pillow was cried on because it was a little damp. Harry sat beside me and held my hand, "I'm so sorry" we said at the same time. Ron and Hermione ran in, Hermione was the first one in. "He woke up!" They smiled.


My friends ran in, "He woke up!" The y both smiled. Hermione walked up to my lover and looked into his eyes, "Why?" She asked. "I......."he just started to cry. I reached down and cupped his cheek with my hand.

After a few hours of pure silence I fell asleep leaning on my lovers bed, it helped to feel Draco's touch. He was playing with my messy hair. Hermione was on the chair and Ron was asleep on my bed. I woke up to feel a jolt coming from Draco, so I looked up but he pushed my head back down. "What do you want?!" He whispered to someone. "Show me your arm boy!" The man yelled. "Leave me alone!"
I felt Draco tighten his grip on me so I decided to stay still. He removed his hand from mine, and pulled his sleeve up.


I pulled up my sleeve and showed the man, he was a death eater. "So you think cuts can hide your mark?!" He slapped me and I could tell Harry heard him slap me since he grabbed onto the blanket and squeezed it. I didn't want him seeing who the man was. "I....."blood was pouring out of my nose. Why was I so weak this year? I wondered. "Your not the boss of me anymore, I'm not a death eater any longer!" I got up. "AND YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST WALJ IN HERE THINKING EVERYONE WILL JUST LOVE YOU NOW?!" He yelled. "I don't care what they think of me, YOU KNOW I WAS BEING ABUSED AND FORCED TO BECOME A DEATH EATER! MY FATHER IS GONE AS WELL AS VOLDEMORT!" I tried to stand up for myself. I saw Hermione open her eyes as well as Ron, the man didn't see them since they were behind him. "You are pathetic! NO ONE CARES FOR YOU! POTTER JUST DOESN'T KNOW U!" I ran and punched him in the face. "YOU WOULNT KNOW!" I screamed. The man fell seeing Ron and Hermione. "I see the golden trio is here, I don't know why they even care! PROBABLY FOR HARRY!" I punched him once he said that. I punched him repeatedly until he fell over, I kept on punching until his face was bleeding really bad and my knuckles were bleeding. "Get out!" I threatened "or I promise I will kill you!" Harry finally looked up and looked at us. His two friends walked over to him, "Are you ok?" They asked him. He ignored them as he watched the man run out. I was still very tense "Is it true?" A tear ran down my face, I didn't even bother turning and looking at them. Next thing I knew Harry was standing behind me with his head on my shoulder and arms around my waist, "No, it's not true...not at all." "I'm sorry for the way he treated you.."Ron said. I nodded, Harry grabbed my hands and looked at them. He chuckled, "When did you learn to fight without magic?" Hermione and Harry asked. "I didn't, it just came to me." I sighed.

It was a few weeks later and nothing really happened, Harry wouldn't leave me alone. I was in Charms class and everyone was watching me since I volunteered to help the professor with his first years. I was doing the spells and helping students, they watched as Harry walked in with his two friends and walked to the professor. "Sir, we need Malfoy." Harry said professionally . The professor nodded and I walked over to Harry. "Long day?" Harry asked as we walked out "to long" I complained. The trio laughed at my comment. I had bags under my eyes and my hair had no gel in it, I stopped using it. "I don't have classes for the rest of the day" I was glad by my own comment and choices. Harry smiled at me while his friends just laughed, "we don't either" they said in unison. We arrived at the dorms and I took my medicine and passed out on Harry's bed. He had gotten used to it by now.


After my boyfriend passed out my friends and I just sat and talked. It took Draco hours to wake up and my friends left after a few hours while he was asleep. "How'd you sleep?" I walked over to him and kissed him. He just grabbed me and cuddled me, I soon fell asleep with Draco.

The next day I woke up and he was gone, I got up and walked to the bathroom and he wasn't there so I got dressed and opened the door. I looked down and saw something terrible. "No" I repeated this and picked up my bloody and unconscious lover running to the Hospital wing with him in my arms. "MADAM POMFREY!" I screamed once I got in there. "Why is he getting in so much trouble this year?" She sighed as she took Draco and laid him on a bed. She got a few towels and put them around him to soak up the blood, she did a quick examination. "Oh my.." she gasped "go get Dumbledore!" She yelled and pointed out the door still looking at him. I ran out and to Dumbledore's office. "Sir Madam Pomfrey wants to see you.." I cried. He got up from his chair and out of his office, I followed behind him. Students were staring at me, some were laughing. I had blood all over me and was crying, and the fact that I was following Dumbledore made it worse. "Awww did the famous potter get in trouble?" The students laughed. I clenched my wand out of anger. We arrived at the Hospital wing and I wasn't allowed in, but that didn't stop me from listening.
"Sir.....he has bruises, scratches, and 5 really deep cuts in his back"
"Who brought him?"
"Harry Potter"
"I shall go ask him if he knows anything"
I saw Mcgonagall walk up to me, "Go put on some clean clothes" she walked in the hospital wing after pointing towards the eight year dormitory. I looked down and walked to my dorm. For once I didn't know what to do, I felt helpless.


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