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Soo I just wanted to say before I started is that, I only started to watch Under Nineteen 2 days ago and I'm on episode 6, soooo just if I get something such as a roommate or something wrong... just know that I made some things up sooo yeah, I hope you enjoy!!!
+ author pov I
Doyum slowly sat up in his bed, hair messed up and eyes squinted. It was early in the morning and they had to get ready to practice for a mission (We'll just say the mission they first had). He grabbed his plushie and made his way towards the bathroom, tired as heck.

"Siyoung-ah, are you up?" He called out to his roommate (hehe sooo maybe I just started to watch Under Nineteen a while ago soooo I just made up stuff like their roommate and other things). "yes hyung, I am" Siyoung said in a low voice, yawning right after. Doyum places his plushie on the floor in front of the bathroom and went to go fix his hair, brush his teeth and basically get ready for the day ahead. "Hyung, are you done yettt???" Siyoung asked, well more liked whined as he knocked on the door. "almost" he answer back as he immediately finished fixing his hair and opened the door, letting the younger into the bathroom, leaving right when Siyoung got in.

"I'll see you at practice" Doyum said with a smile as he went to change into his blue long sleeve and placed his name tag onto the middle of his chest and stomach. "See you there" Siyoung replied as he closed the door to get ready. Doyum grabbed his plushie and placed it on his bed, going out the door. Doyum spotted others from other teams and saw Jinsung as well.

He ran up to Jinsung and greeted him along with Jinseok who was walking beside him. "Hey guys!" Doyum exclaimed as he smiled brightly. "Hey Doyum" Jinsung smiles as he looks at Doyum. "Hey Doyum-ah" Jinseok greets as he smiled as well. "Are you guys ready for our performance yet?" Doyum asked. "Well kinda... I'm still trying to process that I got most... well all my lines taken away..." Jinseok sighed as he looked over to Doyum.

"Oh.... I'm sorry hyung" Doyum said with a frown and looked at the floor. "Nah... it's okay. I actually feel like this will make me even stronger if I make it to the next mission!" Jinseok said, looking at the brighter side of the whole situation. "what about for you Jinsung?" Doyum asked as he looked back up, but not looking into any of their eyes. "It's okay, I just need to practice my lines a little more and I'll be good I believe" Jinsung said as he smiled slightly.

"Anyways... this is where we part. See you guys later. Bye hyung, bye Jinsung!" Doyum exclaimed as he pointed to the performance team practice room. "See you later" they both said as they continued to walk to their practice room. Doyum entered to see some members already there. Eddie, Suren and Wumuti were already there practicing their parts in We Are Young. "Hyunggggg let's get to practicing the danceee" Suren whined as he already memorized all his lines and wanted to get to the dancing part already.

"Wait I'm helping Eddie hyung with his lines" Wumuti answered as he continued to help Eddie with the Korean lyrics. "Hey guys" Doyum greeted as he smiled. "Hello" Eddie greeted Doyum then went back to Wumuti. "Hyung please practice with me" Suren pleaded with a smile. "Okay let's practice" Doyum smiled as he went over to play We Are Young.

As the music started they both started to dance with moves that they've been practicing for a while now. As they practiced more people joined them, Siyoung, Kangmin, Kosuke, Christian and many more. "Focus!" Doyum said a little loud as he saw some members were playing around or weren't paying attention. Soon enough they turned the cameras on and the choreographer came in to see how they were doing.

• time skip, after the cameras were turned off•
Doyum and many others were sitting at the floor, exhausted from dancing and practicing over and over again. "Okay guys lets practice one more time and then we can go back" Doyum suggested as he looked into the big mirror. "Sure" most said, if some of them didn't answer they were most likely drinking water or almost passed out on the floor. "dance again?" Doyum asked Eddie in his best English as he stood up and held his hand out to help Eddie up. "Sure" Eddie replied as he took Doyum's hand and stood up.

They all got into position and started to dance to We Are Young for probably the 100th time today. "Good job everyone!" Doyum yelled as he high five the ones around him. Doyum walked out the practice room, sweating with a towel around his neck and water bottle in his hand. As he started to walk, just as he passed the Vocal Team's practice room Jinsung came out, sweating as well.

"Oh hey Jinsung" Doyum smiled as he waved to the boy in front of him. "Hey Doyum-ssi" Jinsung smiled as well as he walked besides Doyum. Doyum felt his heart pick up speed as he felt Jinsung's hand swipe against his. Jinsung as well, blushed and immediately took his hand away. "S-sorry" Jinsung stuttered as he looked at the floor. "I-it's Okay" Doyum said as he looked away. Just then, two people came running down pushing Jinsung into Doyum.

hey, so uh... that sucked. I noticed there weren't many Under Nineteen fanfictions so yeah... and then I found out that Jinsung and Doyum were my biases so I was like "YUS, JUST SHIP THEM AND BAAM YOU GOT A FANFIC :))"
Anyways I hoped you enjoyed and please support the boys~ ♥️

published- 020118

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