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get it? ^^^^ hehehehehehehe nahhh anyways, back to the story!

For both Jinsung and Doyum it was like time slowed down as Jinsung fell into Doyum, Doyum catching him in his arms. "A-are you okay?" Doyum asked as he held Jinsung tighter, concern in his eyes. Jinsung's eyes sparked and blushed as he got off of Doyum. "I-I'm sorry" Jinsung stuttered as he looked away. "It wasn't your fault, it's okay" Doyum smiled deeply.

"Are you okay th-though?" Doyum asked again as he put his arm around Jinsung. "Y-yeah I'm okay" Jinsung smiled and blushed even more. Doyum and Jinsung continued to walk as their dorms came up and they both stopped. "Uhmmm, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Jinsung said, more like asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah see you tomorrow Sungie-Ah" Doyum said with a smile, he waved a goodbye and walked into the dorm. Jinsung smiled widely and held onto his chest before going into his dorm that he shared with Jinseok.

Doyum slid down the door to his dorm and rested his head onto the door and smiled brightly. "I feel weird, why do I feel like this?..." Doyum thought. Siyoung peeked his head around the corner and cocked his eyebrow. "Hyung, what are you doing?" He asked as he walked towards the elder. "Oh n-nothing!" Doyum exclaimed as he stood up and walked past Siyoung, bombing onto his bed.

"I'm going to shower first hyung" Siyoung said as he grabbed his pajamas and walked into the bathroom. "Okay Siyoung-ah" Doyum said and hugged his plushie tightly. "yahhh.... why do I feel like thissss" Doyum said as he looked up at the ceiling. (I don't really know if this is accurate but yeah) Doyum grabbed his phone that laid on his bedside table and looked through his phone.

He came across Jinsung's number and decided to text him.

hey sungie

hey yummie-ah 😙

did your practice go good today?

mhm, how about yours?

It was okay... it was tiring though

Wanna FaceTime? Jinseok isn't back yet and he said he won't be until later on.


Jinsung is calling...
(Bold is Doyum and italics is Jinsung)


"Hey Doyum~"

"did you shower and stuff yet?"

"Yeah I did, what about you?"

"Mm... not yet, Siyoung is in the bathroom right now hah"

"Awe is that a stuffed animal?"

"Um maybe"

Doyum blushes as he grabbed his stuffed animal and showed Jinsung while smiling slightly. Jinsung smiles widely as well and looked straight into Doyum's eyes.

"I'll have to keep that in mind"

"Wait why though?"

"So whenever it's your birthday, I can get you something Yummie"

"yahhh, I don't like that nameeee... I'm not cute, I'm sexy!"

"Hm... I don't think so Yummie-ah" Jinsung teased as he smiled at Doyum.

"I'm coming to your dorm to kill you!"

"You wouldn't dare Jeon Doyum"

"Oh I would Sungie" Doyum laughed and looked up at the clock.

"Maybe I should come later after I shower"

"Oh yeah! We can help each other with our parts... hopefully the others don't kill us hehe"

"Hyunggg, you can use the shower now!!" Siyoung yelled as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Okay Siyoung-ah, See you soon then Jinsung"

"See you Yummie~" Jinsung waved and ended the FaceTime.

Jinsung laughed at the whole situation and laid back on his bed, staring at the ceiling with a smile that went ear to ear.

Doyum walked into the bathroom and started his shower, a warm shower was always good after filming. "We Are Young" Doyum sang softly as he did some of the hand motions then continuing to wash his body off. When he finished he turned the shower off and wiped himself of with a towel. He put his clothes on and walked out the bathroom.

"Siyoung-ah, Im going to someone's dorm... I'll come back, soon? I guess" Doyum said as he looked at the sleeping Siyoung. "Oops, i don't mean to wake you up so I'll just get going" Doyum smiled cheekily and walked out the dorm and started towards Jisnung and Jinseok's dorm. He knocked on the door and a sleepy Jinsung opened the door, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and over his head. "Oh hey Yummie" Jinsung joked and let Doyum in.

Doyum pouted and tackled Jinsung onto his bed. "Don't call me that Sungie..." Doyum whined as he laid onto Jinsung who laid beneath him. "But it's cute... plus you call me Sungie!!" He defended himself and smiled. Jinsung sat up, Doyum basically straddling the younger. "When is your birthday again Yummie?" Jinsung asked as he looked at the calendar that hung just to the side of his bed. "February 21st" he spoke softly and laid his head into Jinsung's shoulder.

"I'm tired" Doyum said and yawned right after. "You should just sleep then. If Jinseok sees then I'll just say that you stopped by and fell asleep cause that's what basically happened" Jisung chuckles and smiled while rubbing Doyum's back. "Goodnight Yummie" "Good night Sungie~"

THANK YOU FOR READING!! And sksksksks the final line up though!!! I'm so happy that Doyum and Jinsung will be debuting together. But I'm still kinda mad that Wumuti left but it's okay! I hope you guys liked this update although it took a while to write. And there may be errors and stuff but anyways, please continue to support 1the9 and the rest of the under nineteen trainees :)

published- 090219

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