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   Dear diary,

       Today is the big day! I finally get to spend a whole day with Aaron. He has been so busy lately and hasn't been able to do anything with me. I know it's only my being jelly, he gangs out with Lucinda way to much!
   I'm still glad to have a day with him!

   "Hey, Aaron!" I smile as I pat beside me on the couch. "Come sit!"
   He had no smile on his face as he sat down he took a long deep breath.
   "What's wrong?" I ask him kindly. I scoot closer to him but he stands up. He looked around. His house was very small but still homey. I loved the way it smelled.
   "Aph...." he trailed of as he looked in my eyes. I returned his gaze sweetly.
   "Aphmau, I........" he heaved heavily as I filled with dread. What happened? Is Aaron okay? I hope he is ok. Aaron's is my boyfriend with means I need to care for him. Some times he is rude and will yell, but I would feel bad if I left him alone. I am his girl friend. I care.
   "Im breaking up with you....." his voice cracked as his statement filled the air around us.
   ".....What?" I asked shaking.
      "Please get out of my house. I know you don't love me. Lucinda loves me though. She understands me." he says. I turn around and grab my duffel bag from the couch. I creaked the door open and walked out to the front porch. I slammed the door. As soon as I did tears flowed with the rain around me. I had left my phone at my house and I only knew that the boys (Laurence, Garroth, Dante and Travis) lived on this street. So I ran. I ran to the boys house because I know they wouldn't mind me staying the night as I live so far away. My footsteps echoes throughout the street as I began to get cold. I slowed down to catch my breath in the could twenty-nine degree weather. My legs were exposed in my extremely short jean shorts and my white tee shirt. I shivered my way down the rest of the block still tears streaming down my face.
   I finally reached the boys house. I raised my arm and knocked.
Footsteps could be heard from the inside of the house coming towards the door.
   The door opened to reveal Dante. He gasped at my state and let me in. All the guys we're extremely shocked at me as I came in almost frozen. Garroth brought me a blanket while Laurence and Dante made me a snack and a drink. At the moment Travis was at work so it was only us four.
   "Aphmau, are you alright?" Garroth asked as he handed me napkin,
   I unsteadily nodded my head.
   "What happened Aphmau?" Laurence asked.
   "W-well, I was a-at A-a-aron's house w-when he told me me t-that h-h-he told me to get out because he loved L-l-l-lucind-da. " I sobbed in their couch as Garroth rubbed my back with the palm of his hand.
   "Hey g-guys?"  I asked sniffiling.
   "Yea? What's up?" Dante replies.
   "Can I sleep here for the night?" I asked the boys.
   "Sure, why not!" Laurence said gleefully, "Travis won't be home for a while so you can sleep in his bed. When he comes home we will tell him and he can sleep on the couch."
   "Are you sure? I could sleep on the couch tonight if you need." I reminded them.
   "Nah, its fine! Travis has a clean room do you can put your stuff in their and if you want we can all watch a movie?"
   "Sure!" I said. I didn't remember the name if the movie, but I do know that after the castle was invaded I had fallen asleep.

Never in a Million Years {Travis x Aphmau}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें