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   I awoke once again, light shining on my eyelids. I slowly opened them to see the empty room of which I lay in. I sit up slowly as the comforter drapes over my shoulder.
   The window was the source of the light, I could tell. The sun came through the window at an angle and reached towards me. 
   I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and placed them on the soft carpet. I could feel my hair cling to the back of my shirt as I stood up.
   I realized I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I walked out of the room as I heaved a sigh. As I creamed open the door I smelled a greasy smell. I walked down the hall toward the kitchen we're all the guys, except Dante, were situated on the bar stools.
   "Morning, Aph. How'd you sleep last night?" Laurence asked as he stood up the help Dante pass out food.
   "Pretty good. Travis, you have a nice bed. I slept like a brick!" I smiled. They chuckled and Travis had a slight blush.
   "Hey Aph, how are you going to get home? I know your car is still at your house." Dante questioned.
   "Well, Aaron drove me here..... So, I don't know..." I sighed.
   "Why can't he drive you back?" Travis asked as he looked me in the eyes.
   "Aaron broke up with me." I said as the room went quiet.
   "Then how did you get here? It was pouring rain and there was a chance for a tornado!" Travis demanded.
   "I walked..... He kicked me out and this was the closest house I knew." I mumbled. I felt guilt, but I don't know why.
   Travis remained quiet for the rest of the meal as me and the boys talked about random things.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Travis P.O.V.

   I was furious. How could Aaron just through her out in the rain? Tell her he loved another woman? Tell her that his love for her was fake?
   I was gonna kill him. Aph told me about everything yesterday morning and Garroth gave her a ride home. I walked over to Aaron's house. Puddles from days ago still lingered in the streets.
   I reached his door. Inhale. Exhale. They tell you when you are angry to control it by watching your breathing. I was around an inch or two shorter then Aaron. I was just as strong as he was. I was also better looking than he was, in my opinion.
   I knocked on his door. Footsteps echoed throughout the house as the reached closer to the door. The door swung open to reveal Aaron. I saw Lucinda behind him as she ran up the stairs.
   I look him in the eyes. His dark eyes seem to be hollow as he stares back.
   "How dare you." I said. I didn't know what to say.
   "What do you mean?" Aaron chuckled as he acted like we were good friends. He lied to all of us.
   "You know damn well what I mean! You ignorant son of a bitch!" I yelled at him and he leaned back.
   "What did I do?" He yelled. What did you do? You should know.
   "You dumped Aph in the most heartless way possible way!" I yelled as I got in his face.
   "Okay, maybe I did dump her! What does that have to do with you?!" He roared.
   "If you didn't notice there was a tornado one town over! She got caught in the horrid weather and ran all the way to our house! She was sobbing about how you kicked her out of your house, and that you dumped her for Lucinda!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as Aaron looked taken aback.
   "Aph is a stupid bitch anyway, why wou—" Aaron was interrupted by a blow to the face. By me.
   "Don't ever speak fucking about Aph like that!" I demanded of him as I slammed his door and walked back home.

Never in a Million Years {Travis x Aphmau}Where stories live. Discover now