We're Going to Need a Bigger Box...

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Hello all you wonderful people! It's been a while, like a whole year has gone by or something *crickets* Okay, I'll stop it with the new year puns and wish you all a happy new year instead! I hope everyone had a wonderful one and if you happen to celebrate a new year that has yet to come, such as Chinese New Year, I hope you have an awesome time celebrating that as well. Let's all make this new year into something you can be proud of looking back. Don't hold back, make those memories!

Anywho, thank you all for who still deal with my awful upload schedule and decided to give this a read!


"I bet you're wondering why I've gathered you all here today," I said to the group of suckers in front of me. I couldn't believe how easy it was to lure them to my grandfather's holding locker. Tristan caused me a bit of my pride, but it would be well worth it in the end.

"You promised a sleepover," Vienna whimpered as she flinched away from a spider.

Tristan folded his arms. "You said you needed a tutor."

I smiled. "We'll have our sleepover after. And Tristan, the fact that you believed me when I said I needed help in English makes me think that you're a bit dumber than you put on."

"But you do need help in English," Vienna commented.

"Ah, but would I actually ask for help?" I countered.

The couple looked at each other and silently admitted their defeat. Asher wiped the cookie crumbs from the corners of his lips before swinging an arm around my shoulder. "When were you going to invite me to this sleepover?"

"Watch it," Tristan warned as he grabbed Vienna's hand.

"Yeah, I wouldn't provoke Tris," I nodded. "Besides, you got your time last night."

Asher's arm reached in front of me to grab another cookie from the tupperware in his other hand. "I can't help myself." He broke the cookie in half as he ogled Tristan. "He's so cute when he's protective." A wink was sent across the room.

"I will kill you," Tris hissed.

Vienna's jaw was nearly touching the ground. "What do you mean last night?"

Asher grinned with what looked to be delight. "Oh? Laney here was probably waiting until later tonight to giggle and gossip to you about my wonderful hand skills." He wiggled his spirit fingers.

I nodded. "He's really good!"

Tris rolled his eyes and took to his book instead.

Vienna's face turned bright red. "Oh, um, okay. Uh..."

I glanced up at Asher and caught his lip quirking up. "He's just so good," I continued, keeping my face straight. "I mean, I wanted him to stop at first but then he practically blew my mind. God, you should have been there."

She had her hands over her ears and she stamped in place. "Stop it! Stop it! I don't want to hear any of that! That is personal business!"

Tris glanced up. "Please refrain from scarring...Vi..."

She watched him. "Why are you staring at me that way?"

His eyes were nearly shining as the book knocked to the ground as he captured both of her hands in his. "You're just so adorable when you're blushing." He spun back to us with an all too serious face. "Keep going."

"Honey!" Vienna cried.

Asher laughed as he tried to grab me into a side hug, but I slipped from his grasp and replaced myself with a broom. "I need you all to help clean so we can show off just how fantastic I am."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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