Sleeping Handsome

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After a year,

A handsome man is sitting beside the hospital bed reading newspaper. This man is Park Youngjae, a 24 year old teacher at the Collage of Korea. His dark eyes and good body definitely catches the attention of most females. He is the son of a CEO of MoonShadow Entertainment and a Taekwondo champion. He dropped the newspaper at a nearby table and looked at his savior's image. This man is the man Hyun Woo saved indeed.

"He grew alot after being in coma for a year"

After Hyun Woo saved Youngjae, he got comatosed. Youngjae took care of his hospital bills and Youngjae's mother cook different cuisine for Youngjae to eat while staying at the hospital.

After staying for a bit, he called his father's employee to look for Hyun Woo. He then goes home and took a shower. He'd been staying at the hospital for the weekends and it is his time to go to school. The school is sponsored by his mother thus, this school specializes in taekwondo. He is just the Co-Director of the school but holds a lot of power. He could get a student to be his disciple and this student will study taekwondo and other subjects under Youngjae's teaching.

Being the son of a taekwondo champion, his mother sent him to places to learn different techniques and way of fighting every vacation during his school days. This made Youngjae secretly strong. He never showed his capabilities to anyone except his parents. He can even beat his mother!

After showering,  he changed into a simple white long sleeves and glanced at the boxed stuff near his bed. This boxes contains all of Hyun Woo's stuff. After the incident,  Youngjae gathered all of Hyun Woo's stuff and put them on his own house.

He grabbed his keys and made his way downstairs for a quick meal. He just cooked an omelet egg. After eating, he drank a big gulp of the Puday Wine. Youngjae jogged towards his red car and drove towards school. On the way, he felt great for something he didn't know. He even wore his sunglasses!

Upon arriving, the other teacher gave him envious look. Not anyone can drive a red Ferrari to school. The students he passed by looked into him full of lust. He didn't mind them cause he barely talks in school nor outside.

Sitting on his own office, he signed what needs to be signed and read those to be read. He is so immersed in working that he forgot his time and now it's 5:30 PM!.

He immediately fixed all his things and walked to the garriage to get the car. There are no students at this time cause every 4:30 they go home because of the rumored ghost. It was a ghost that is singing in the male's bathroom. Silly that they mistook their principal as a ghost.

"I'd better drop off in the hospital"

He stopped at the hospital and entered as usual. But he notice something was up.

"Hey did you hear that a patient woke up?"

"He's so lucky, i wish my husband will wake up soon"

"I think the man is called sleeping handsome?"

After hearing this, Youngjae dashed off to room 432 using the stairs. He barged in and saw using his two eyes.

The sleeping handsome is awake.

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