Stampy's another world

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(Lephala Cat's Pov)

Everyone is fighting over the lines between them, in this world.. That's, what I figured out about this world. I have no memory on when I came here, and how, and so does my new comrade. He has survived in here, for as long as he could remember. But things started to go out of hand he says, since I came here.

Me and my comrade were barely surviving in this world. We had no way of escaping this place, before

....Before Mr. Stampycat showed up in this world...

*Few days ago*

(Stampy's Pov)

"Hey squid! Squid nugget!!!"

I yelled at his door. He was probably tidying up his room, judging by the sound of him Re-placing blocks over and over again.

"Uhh, just a minute Stamps, I'm busy! Busy cleaning up my stuff.."

He is always stacking up random things in the chests, and when he tries to find something, he has to find it by digging to the bottom of the chest! ..Well, I'm no different then him I guess. Ha-ha!

But I don't even have to look at my chests to look for old, moldy cookies and such! Lee always comes down from his room, aka the room of no requirement, and gives me every morning, a cake for my breakfast. But today is a big day, I even skipped my breakfast!

 ..Now Lee came after me, normal times, he always goes the fastest! Like when I race with him to the love garden, he is always just there! To the funland, he is always there first, sipping milk. Must've been to the crazy cow milk bar! I am sometimes jealous of Lee..

...Oh, I am just saying a whole bunch of things about our race, we got a squid to wake!

"Oh, I got an idea Lee! Shhhh..."

Me and Lee snuck up to his room, while he was digging inside his chest, looking for ink sacks. W brought all my dogs right behind him, counted 3, 2, 1, and.....


He was so surprised at us screming right behind him, dogs barking, and fell inside the chest.

We laughed our heads off, and let him out of the chest.

"Ha hah, Hey squid nugget!"


He muttered. Me and Lee both laughed a little and told him the big thing.

"Squid, I found a portal to another world! Not the Nether, not the end, but somewhere different!"

"...This ain't a mod or anythin', right?"

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