Surviving the first night is always, not so easy

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(Third person Pov)

Not as Lephala Cat thought, after hearing what she've just heard, things were going worse for the three - Minecraftia - magic animal club members..

The other clans in Aitforcnim noticed the three new faces in the world as rumors set paws to the whole land. The dark versions of Squid and Lee were panicked as well, and the war started to get worse..

The leaders of the clans may have wanted to finish the war as quickly as possible, as it seemed, before their inner forces corrupt by the newcomers.

The Amy-army, the Rose-army, and the Finn-army also started to take notice by it as well, just like the other clans who stood up their defences by the crazy situations such as the Lion-army and the Long-army.

One thing that was extremely sure about the situation, was that all arrors were pointed at the three Minecraftians... Which meant that they needed to get out of here before the pointed arrows were released to hit their targets.

(Stampy's Pov)

We were keep on walking, looking around the ash-covered terrains. They looked as if they were snow blanketing the hard, and dark grounds.. Actually, most of the terrains were similar to my lovely world!

At least that was rather helpful for us to, well, survive... It was one of the major things that kept us from not running into things that might've caused our death.

It was still hard for us to survive, though.. as all of our stuff, the things that we brought before entering the portal, they just-.. Disappeared!! Oh no... ...Did they evaporate into thin air? were they lost for good??

"Awwwwwww no...... My cakes and pork chops!! They are all gone!! I'm so hungry......"

I exclaimed, It took so many eggs and buckets of milk to make one cake, and now I've lost 20 of them!! I shouldn't have brought so many if I knew that I would just lose them...

"...What?! Noooooo My sword!! My super awesome enchanted diamond sword!! Now it's gone NOOOOO!!! I shouldn't have brought it with me, now it's lost forever!!!!"

Lee shouted in frustration, no wonder.. His was such an overpowered one, and he held it all the time.. He must've been so heart-broken.. Aww..

"You alright, mate? Cher up, you can always enchant another diamond sword!

Squid nugget said to perk up Lee, but ...It didn't work.

"I can't! You KNOW how much xp I've poured into that one, and how much love........."

Lee said, his bear ears and tail lowering in sadness. Squid nugget walked a few step backwards and whispered to me.

"Geez, Stamps... So nice of ya to bring that up!"

"Sorry, Squid nugget... By the way, what did you bring before we went through the portal?"

"..Well, umm, some ink sacs, some blue wool, some bones and a regular diamond sword, and..."

He paused right there. I looked at his face, and it seemed that the colors were changing to gray, and to white... ...Uh-ohhhh, I should't have brought that one up...

"....ACK! NOOOO MY DIAMOND BOOTIES!!!! Awwwwww no.... My auntie gave it to me for my 9th birthday present... She stole it from Gucci and I lost it for good!!! Noooooooooooo----!!!!!!"

I quickly said to my two friends, who were both looking really down.

"Uhhh, um.. Cheer up Lee, you too Squid!! M-maybe they're right next to the portal without disappearing! So let's get a move on, quickly!"

They pondered at my words a bit before nodding slightly. Lee said to me, worried.

"But how can we survive when we have no equipments? We might have to build ourself armours, some weapons, and a temporary house for us to sleep in!"

I became slightly worried as well, hearing that. The sun was now a crescent sun appearently..

In this world, the sun didn't set with the moon coming up from the other side.

Instead, the sun.. Just.. Became from full sun, to a half sun, a crescent sun, and...

I didn't know what would happen, since the sky didn't become any darker. It just stayed the same.

"Hey guys, maybe we can just hide from the war! I don't think that the googlies would spawn in this much bright-..."

And at that exact time, we were all freaked out as the sky suddenly become red- ish black-ish gray when the sun finally disappeared!

And as soon as it happened, the zombies were starting to growl all around us, as if they were buried in the ground.

".....nes..s..... Okay, I guess we WOULD need to build a temporary shelter! Don't worry, we can just build out of these woods by

Punching them with our hands! Come on guys, we all did this before when we first started Minecraft, right? So let's get working before the nasty zombies start attacking us!"

We each picked a tree, and started to punch the trunk.. But they were filled with dirt! There was barely some wood, but a whole bunch of dirt. Lee and Squid, appearently got the same as they started to complain in disbelief.

"What the heck, mate?! The tree blocks are filled with dirt?? How- how can they be filled with DIRT???"

"Huh?! Why is the trunk filled with dirt?!

Are all these trees are filled with bloody dirt?? All dirt?! Are you CRAZY?!?!"

It seemed that they were raging.. I didn't blame them, every 3 steps evil glowing eyes of the zombies glowed in the night, their heads staring to come out of the ground..

It seemed as if the dirts were sinking to reveal the googlies buried inside it!!

We needed to build a shelter, quick unless we wanted to become their late suppers.

I quickly gathered my two minecraft helpers into the bushes, and told them while staying alert for the googlies.

They seemed to smell our scents, and got closer to us... Oh nooooo!!!!!

"Guys guys!! No time to gather up wood, let's just build a dirt house out of dirt!! At least it might be able to defend us from the googlies, we have no other way!!"

They started to gather up all the dirt blocks without objections, and started to build the walls,

we couldn't build a door because there were barely enough wood to build a CRAFTING TABLE,

and started to block the ceilings...

"Ack!! Stamps help me mate!!"

Me and Lee both ran to Squid in alert, and got him out safely before he suffocated from the dirt block.

"They are effective to GRAVITY?!?!"

"Well, I guess they DO have a bit of gravel mixed.."

I said, shrugging as I blocked off the entrance. Squid exclaimed to both of us.

"How do we build the CEILING, THAN?!?! WE ARE DOOMED, STAMPS!!"

But before I even try to say a word, the zombies busted the walls away and came straight to our house. We panicked as we all screamed,


The zombies were just about to get us, but just then...

Thud! One of them fell down, with an arrow piercing it. And another one, and all of them collapsed, motionless and lifeless.

We were shocked. Was it a skeleton??


...What...?? We saw someone, in the darkness, though I couldn't see clearly, looked like another cat. She quietly spoke to me, and yet, there was a slight shock in her voice.

" 'Stampy cat'... Be more careful. As you know, surviving the first night is always, not so easy.."

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