Where do I start

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(Lephala cat's Pov)

Phew... I nearly gave my last breath because of shock and relief when I first saw him. Mr. Stampycat, Lee, and Squid all three of them, surrounded by mobs!! I was too worried about 3 of the clans searching for Mr. Stampycat, that I completely forgot the fact that all the stuff in this weird place were completely differenet from Minecraftia!!

The trees were dirt blocks, and the dirt blocks were affected by gravity, and they could easily be crushed by not only Minecrafters, or Aitforcers, but also by normal mobs. And the mobs were pretty intelligent..
I saw them stacking themselves up to invade the Stamp-army base. of course, they failed, as the clans poured a whole bunch of dirt blocks on top of them. And what did I say earlier? Dirt gets affected by gravity.

Me and my comrade hid while the zombies were buried alive. He quietly told me,

"You know, if they don't get killed by the clans, probably the first night in this place will."

....And then, we both went alert as we realized that it could really happen to them.. I squeaked, like a mouse, though I'm a cat.

I quickly pulled out my arrow and shot the first zombie. Few of them followed me, but the next second they all lay flat on the ground with arrows on their bodies. As the last of them died, I gazed at Mr, Stampycat, who looked back at me in shock. I guess I was the first Steve he saw in Aitforcnim..

"'Stampy cat'... Be more careful. As you know, surviving the first night is always, not so easy.."

I said, being steady as possible, even resisting the urge to say 'Mr. Stampycat' or jump on him squeaking. I could not possibly do THAT.. I would be crushed by over 4 million fans!  And it would ruin my cover.. Why do I HAVE a cover anyways? Whatever, I guess that it's cool..

(Stampy's Pov)

I flinched as she talked to me: ...How could she know my name?? Does everyone in here knows me? Maybe they have youtube in here, which would be brilliant..

Then she pulled out a diamond sword, making Lee and Squid to run towards the strange cat in alert, but I stopped them. I mean, there was no reason to fight with her, I didn't think that she meant any harm! Surprisingly, she handed the shiny, glowing blade to me.

"Trust me, you're gonna need it to survive the night, but other than that, I don't know about this world any much than you do.."

(Lephala cat's Pov)

Hoping that he would survive, and I would get back to my comrade safely with just 20 arrows and a bow, and I would survive after he yells at me for handing it to Mr. Stampycat, I handed out my dia-sword. And again, WHY didn't we enchant this one with an infinity spell?

'..He is going to be FURIOUS at me to give the diamond sword to someone else. . .'

His eyes went wide as he saw the sword.. Sharpness 4, Strength 2, and knockback 4..

"It will be wise for you, to not use fire or torches.. The 3 clans are after you, and when their patrols see you you are DEAD."

"The three clans?! So there is really a WAR?!?! Wh-who are they??"

They seemed to be shocked by this.. Why wouldn't they? Even I would be paranoia if an ARMY was trying to kill me.. Not to mention THREE of them... ...Oh wait, they WERE. Us Minecraftians were all in danger, and there were only 5 of us.. Should I convince them to join me and my comrade?

'..No, not yet.. If the situation is desperate enough for them to not have inner corruptions with us whatsoever.. Then, and only then I'LL allow them to join.'

Thinking of what my comrade had told me, with desperate look in his face, I had to listen to him.

'Then, how about the war? A-and the clans?'

'Fine, just-.. don't tell him about the fall of the Hit-army.. They might do something reckless enough to kill themselves!'

I lowered my cat ears, and crouched to get unseen by mobs behind the dirt walls. Mr. Stampycat and Squid also gathered around me.. ..Why did I feel like a 1000-year-old man telling ancient stories??

Lee tried to cover the holes, but I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him behind the walls.'

"What's wrong with you?! We cannot be safe if-.."

"The mobs in this world are far more stronger and clever then the ones in our world.. If they see this temporary house destroyed like this, they'll think that all the steves in this place would be dead and leave us!"

"Steves, you mean us, mate?"

Squid asked me confused. I saw all three of them, now quietly looking at me, waiting for me to say.
Now I felt like I had to sing a phrase of a song I didn't know the lyrics of.. And I couldn't say that I liked this feeling, after I had suffered it from elementary school with it.

(Stampy's Pov)

"Go on, mate, say something!"

Squid nugget said to the cat eagerly. I calmed him down, waiting as eagerly as him though.

"Who are you? I can barely even see you.. But I think that I've-.. ..Seen you before..."

Hmm? I recognize her a bit.. Light gray fur with dark gray stripes, one of therm shaped like a cross, and just like us, appearently, a 'Minecraftian'... I think I've seen her before..? ............Ohhh.....
I need cake for my brain power... I'm bloody confused!!

(Squid's Pov)

I asked the strange pussy cat, but Stamps calmed me down as she stayed silent. How in the hell can you not be eager, mate?! Trapped in a strange world, possibly by our nemesis, Mobs everywhere tryin' to kill us, Unable to build a proper roof, and the walls weaker than the wool blocks in our own world?!?!

And then he asked the cat, whether if they met or not..

"Are ya CRAZY, mate?! We're not sure if she knows who we are or not, she must've heard our names by the troopers!"

"Squid's got a point, Stampy.."

Said Lee bear, gazing at her in a bit of suspision. I guess we've only just seen a person that's possibly-.. NOT tryin' to kill us, and she knows us..

"Maybe she's someone in this world, pretending to be a Minecraftian..? Even bloody ZOMBIES are clever in this place, then imagine how clever the people in here would be!"

Then, I saw the gray-striped weird pussy cat sayin', almost losing her patience..

"The people in here are called 'Aitforcnians', and if they were SO CLEVER, then they wouldn't cause a bloody WAR in this world! I AM a Minecraftian just like you, before you get a headache trying to figure things out by yourselves WILL YOU HEAR ME OR NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Lephala Cat's Pov)

Phew, that was a close call.. I nearly spilled my comrade's existence by saying there were FIVE of us.. ....Aaaaaaaand now I feel bad... Ohhhhhh nooooo I yelled at them!!!!!!! I cannot believe I YELLED!!!!! Aghhhh, I hate myself for being this rude, and they were the only few Minecraftians I knew were in this world.. And three of my favorites as well...


I accidently winced saying it.. Mr. Stampycat, surprisingly calmed me down. gently.

"It's okay, Even I would lose my head if I were in your place.. Now can you tell us what, did happen in this world?"

I nearly fangirl-squeaked right there!! I could not believe that I wasn't dreaming. If it was, then this was my best dream EVER!!!! ...Wait, wait.. I need to be calm, mystic, be a normal mystery girl, or in this case, a mystery 'Cat'.. Though I've never heard that there WAS a normal mystery cat.. Well, I was the first then.

 "Okay, then.. How do I begin? Well, I should start with the story of the first steve ever in Minecraft..."

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