In Minecraftia..

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Hey guys, Sorry for not uploading the story for .. Umm.. Quite a long time. ^^; ..
B-but, hey! At least.. ......*Searching for words* .Um.........*Sigh* .....Yep, I'm sorry ..


(Netty's Pov)

Hearing someone calling my name, I turned around to see a familiar face in the distance. It was Amy Lee, so I smiled and said hello, walking toward her. She wasn't the one I was looking for, but she could help me finding him.

"Hi, Netty!"

"Hello, Amy! Have you seen my brother?"

I looked for Stampy for half a day, but he seemed to be nowhere near his house, nor the funland..
Was he looking for another place to build? Where has he gone to?

"No, to be honest.. I searched everywhere in the streets, but I still haven't found him!"

Okay, then.. He was nowhere in the streets as well.? Really, where did he go??


Just than, I heard a familiar voice.

It was Rosie! She sounded frightened and shocked as she ran towards us, so me and Amy both went alert as well.

"Calm down, Rosie! What happened??"

Amy patted her, making her to relax again. She began to talk, still having terror in her voice.

"I-.. I saw A giant evil portal of evilness glowing with evil dark light!! It was massive, and it was in the spawning place.."


We both shrieked.. A massive portal? Near the spawning point?? And glowing with evilness..

Oh my god, no wonder she was frightened!

I did feel something,  something told me that something strange was happening there, but I tried to ignore it back then. I guess the feeling was true! I guess I really was Stampy's sister..

But a portal like that in Stampy's Lovely world? This couldn't be a mod or something, I mean, my brother would never use mods like that in this world! He cared much for this world to do that.

And if someone spawned in this world, I was worried that they might fall straight into the weird portal, probably leading straight to their doom.

But she was trying to say something more. What could have happened after that? I saw Sqaishy running towards us in fright, who must've seen the portal as well.

"Rosie! Calm down.."

"AND, Hit The Target trapped Stampy, Lee, and Squid inside the portal!!'"

We were all beyond shocked. In fact, I felt like the sky was spinning in a circle around me.
What could we do? Who could do anything in this situation?

"...Oh, no.... Even Lee? ..A-and Squid??"

"NO!! We cannot let that happen! ...But...
How can we stand up against him without Stampy?"

Rosie said with despair. Amy said to us with a bit of hope,

"..Uh-.. maybe we can get someone to help from people joining our world..?"

"T..the igloo was gone.. It looked as if it fell into the hole, and just-.. Disappeared.. Norman must have escaped though, I saw a trail of snow leading to the melon tree.. But I don't know if the minecart track under it would be okay.."

We were all again, shocked by it. The igloo was gone? And with that, the melon tree track?! If people joined our world, they would be lucky if they didn't fall straight to the portal. And it was close to sunset already. At night, the googlies would spawn, and even when someone did survive, they wouldn't have a chance without the igloo or the minecart track..

This was bad. We couldn't get anyone to help us, and three of the most important people in this world (Not that the others aren't, but surely my brother is the most important in this world since this is his lovely world!) were stuck in an evil massive portal! If only my brother was here..

But.. We needed to protect Stampy's lovely world from Hit The Target, even when he wasn't here..
What would my brother have done when Hit The Target was close to us, ready to strike?

"Let's all calm down for a moment! If Stampy was in this situation, he would have done something.. Something, besides panicking or finding someone else to get help."

They looked at me, surprised. Even I was a bit surprised as I said what should've been said to us by him. I could see that they were still worrying a bit, but the atmosphere seemed to calm down as well.

I know that I couldn't be him, but I knew my brother, so I knew what he could've done.. When Stampy was around, nobody panicked when something happened. Maybe they heard his voice from me.

The sky of Stampy's lovely world, where he wasn't in, really was spinning around me. I could feel the normal wind blowing, touching my fur, but there was no direction where the wind was coming from. But still the grass swayed, led by it.

"Let's wait for him to come first, and let's be ready for it. Though we are not sure if he IS close by, we don't know where he is. We should set a patrol to find my brother, Lee, and Squid, but we must also act sneaky, and pretend nothing is wrong.

He knows that we are shaken to the core, since the root of this world is no where to be seen, and he WILL strike. But what he doesn't know is that we will be ready for him. 

I know many things are attacking all of us right now, but I also know that none of those will destroy this world. Only if we split apart, will we lose. He didn't attack us yet, which means that we still have the high ground. Let's try our best to protect that ground!"

Now everyone seemed ready, there were fire in their eyes, which sparked when he told something to us. I wasn't really sure about my words, but I knew that what I said just now, were Stampy's words as well. We all went to the house, to find the others to tell the news, and to see if there were things we could use for the battle..

(3rd Person View)

As the ones left in Stampy's Lovely World went to the house, no one saw a certain someone hiding near, watching them. He silently laughed, and left the place.

"..Fools. 'The high ground', you say? I will see about that.. Hahahaha..!!"

He walked right in front of the portal, and looked down.

"If they think that they can defeat ME in this situation, then they are WRONG!! I will prove it, and I WILL have the last laugh.!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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