Minecraftia & Aitforcnim

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(P.s. Where did I get the word 'Aitforcnim'? Well, I just spelled Minecraftia backwards
*Aitfarcenim* ...And I changed it into Aitforcnim because it sounded weird :p)

"Well, a long time ago, when Notch first created Minecraftia..

He decided to look after it with Herobrine, who had nearly equal power as himself because of the same blood they shared.

Then one day, he noticed that the world could never change, for the better or the worst, if there was no one trying to do it.

So, keeping it secret to his brother, Notch made a human and set it free to the world, and he was the one, the first one called Steve."

(Lephala Cat's Pov)

"Woah, even the Minecraft GODS are behind this? And here I thought that this was just a trap made by Hit The Target-.."

I nearly flinched. Who would not? To be honest, I always flinched whenever I heard that name from videos.. Whenever he mentioned it, I always screamed in excitement, eagerly waiting for another epic battle between the good and the bad.....

Ohhh Lephala! Get a grip!! You are not here to be a fangirl, you are here to help!

Well- instead of giving them help, I, appearently gave them a yelp. They all looked at me again.. Trying not to blush, I quickly coughed a bit and continued.

"..Where was I, Oh, the first steve. He started to build a house to avoid the sunlight and the rain, since those were the only things that mattered.. The mobs didn't hurt the man, but only became annoyed by him ruining the true beauty of the world.

After days, Herobrine found the house in which Steve was living in, and was raged as well. He could not stop nor kill him though, as he was, still weaker than Notch.

After thinking, he noticed the mobs, filled with hatred, and began to use them. As the first creeper blew up, all the other mobs started to attack him as well."

Mr. Stampycat exclaimed, "Ohh I know that story! Googlie island and the creeper king.. Oh, that was a good story indeed."

Hmm? ..Oh, oh I remember him telling that to Lee in the Halloween special! I guess Mr. Stampycat knew some of the parts of this story..

But he did not, however, know that the Minecraft gods were behind this. Who would? Everyone thought that Minecraft was just a surviving and creating game without stories!

"L for Lee as really scared to bits back than. Ha ha!"

Mr. Stampycat said, laughing with Squid. Lee quickly answered, blushing a bit.

"No I wasn't!"

"Yes you were Lee, after I finished the story you were out of your bed jumping all around in horror!"

"...I-I was too hot! That's all!"

Lee excused, blushing even more. Squid then said to both of them.

"How can you be hot, Lee bear? It was the last day of October! Your dogs were whimpering Stamps, by the way.. I think it was because of the cold breezin' through the door, maybe?"

"What?? Awww my poor dogs.. They must've been so cold..! I knew that I had to take the risk of slamming the doors in their faces! Ok, next time when I pick one of them, make sure to close the door Lee! Okay?"

...I know that that was not the case.. As everyone saw, in the end of the video he was being watched by a certain arch nemisis..  But whatever, I had to keep on telling them the story!

"Ok, what were we talking about again? Oh that's right, Lee being frightened by the story. Just kidding, Lee bear! Anyways..

As Notch noticed some of the mobs being violent, he quickly tried to stop Herobrine.. But it was too late. The world was becoming filled with violent mobs, and Herobrine became as strong as Notch. And then, they put up a war..

Herobrine was lost, but the mobs still tried to kill Steve. Notch could not destroy all of them, since they kept on spawning. He could, though, make Steve even more powerful, powerful enough to defend himself from the mobs.

So he invented the first crafting table, and gave him armor and weapons. After that, steve could easily survive through Minecraftia, and even build and create more. After generations, there were more and more people in the world, and they were called Minecraftians."

"Woah.. Nice story, mate.. Keep on goin'! "

Squid told me, nearly absorbed by the story. Heh, I was completely absorbed by it when my comrade told it to me as well. I took in a large breath, and continued.

"Herobrine, nearly insane by the battle, Exclaimed to Notch that the world would get nothing but destrucktion and war if the Minecraftians kept on roaming. And to 'prove' that, he made a world of his own just like his brothers', with Steves roaming as well. and called it Aitforcnim.

Aitforcnim, however, needed something else than Herobrine's strength to keep it alive as Herobrine's energy was too unstable. So, there became a bond. A bond between Minecraftia and Aitforcnim. There became, in Aitforcnim, the twisted versions of each of the Minecraftians."

"Twisted versions? Like- like an another me inside a mirror?"

Lee asked me,  with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"Yeah, something like that. The two worlds were like two sides on a coin.
However, when you look in the mirror right is left, and left is right, right?"

"..Don't tell me, the versions of us, in this world, are EVIL?!"

Mr. Stampycat said shocked. Why wouldn't he be? Evil versions of everyone he knew, were trying to kill him.

"Precisely. There are twisted, evil versions of all of you. And they are trying to get you all, thinking that you would convince them not to fight.

It happened once, a clan falling because of a Minecraftian telling them to be gentle. The Stamp-army, the Squid-army, and the Lee-army, 3 of the most massive clans in this world, are trying to kill you."

When I said this, they all looked shocked. THREE armies were chasing them? And the most massive ones?? They were already suffering because of just surviving the night, And I wouldn't be surprised if one of them fainted hearing this.

..Oh, Squid is down.. I WAS a bit surprised .. As Lee picked Squid up, the sun was close to shine again. The sun eclipse was as long as 2 out of 3 of the day, which was bizarre.. I quickly looked around and stood up from the dirt ground.

The creepers and the spiders were trying desperately to find a shade before the morning, unlike our world where it was normally the zombies and the skeletons. Odd..
..I need to go now, before the sun shines and it becomes day again..

"After Herobrine saw his world, evil and dark, assuming that Notch's world was the exact opposite, he let out a shriek and was never seen again. This was an abandoned world, especially after the first Minecraftian came to this world and broke the bond between the two worlds.

Notch- or Herobrine, who is never to be seen again- would know where he is and who he was..
But after I came here by accident, you three were the first ones to come here.

I hope you all survive!!"

I ran, as soon as I finished my final word. I'm late I'm late I'm late... Ohhh my comrade is going to kick my whiskers for sure..

(Stampy's Pov)

I flinched when the feline ran out of the dirt house. Wasn't she even a slight bit afraid? Well, the sun was about to shine again, I guess.. The creepers and the spiders were finding places to hide. It was bizarre, since it was normally the zombies and the skeletons who were afraid of the sunlight!

And then, for a flash I saw how she looked like, as the sun shined right before she ran towards the bushes.

I think I recognize those stripes before..

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