Reason 1

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Ryan flopped onto his chair, the last place he wanted to be was at work. Shane has been in a serious accident during the recent filming of a Buzzfeed Unsolved supernatural episode where the floor had given way and Shane had fallen through the rotten floorboards and had hit his head resulting in him going into a coma. That had been just over a month ago. Ryan had stayed off work for two weeks where he basically lived at the hospital during visiting hours to be there for his best friend and fellow co-worker, however, being off made him re-live the moment he watched Shane's face turn to horror when he realised that the floor was slowly breaking underneath his weight before it broke and he fell.

Ryan looked over at Shane's desk, no one had touched it since the accident. Ryan noticed something sticking out of Shane's draws when he went to investigate he discovered a home video camera. Slightly, curious to why Shane would have this. He turned it on. The video camera contacted twenty short videos, each labelled Reason which was numbered from 1 to 20.

Ryan shut the camera off before pulling it out the memory card and inserting it in his computer, Ryan then pulled up the video list once more. He was curious to find out what Shane had been making videos of which were so secretive that he kept it work than at home. Ryan clicked on the first video titled Reason 1.

"I hope if Ryan is watching this then I've allowed it and he hasn't stumbled across the videos by accident because that would be embarrassing, so, Future Shane if you're there and this wasn't meant for Ryan to see just yet then..." Shane said before frantically waving his hands in the air which Ryan guessed was meant to raise the attention of Shane if here was there.

"If Ryan is watching this because I've allowed, I want to first point out, I wasn't hiding this from you to annoy you but in fact, I was scared on what you would think about these videos" Shane stated before chuckling nervously.

"Anyway, I saw my friend do this when it was approaching his wife's birthday so I decided to steal the idea. I guess it is a way of getting these feelings off my chest. So, this is 20 reasons why I love you, Ryan Bergara" Shane said a nervous smile present on Shane's face.

"My first reason is obvious but it's a part of you which I can't help but love. I love your height. I love that you are so much smaller than me so, I can lean on you like an armrest even though we both know you hate it when someone points out how small you are" Shane explained before adding "You heard it right, Shane Madej is smitten with how small Ryan Bergara is".

Shane smiled at the camera once more before reaching up and turning it off. Ryan felt his heartbeat increase as he clicked on the second video – Reason 2. 

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