Reason 11

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"Hey Shane, it's been four months now since you fell into a coma. I've been slowly making my way through the videos you left me. I'm just about to watch the next one. Reason 11 I think. I just need you to know that I need you to come back to me, you just have to so, I can tell you how I feel. I love you too you big-headed idiot" Ryan whispered to the unconscious form of Shane before pressing on the next video.

"Reason 11 is that you have always been there for me no matter what. Ever since I agree to work on Unsolved with you, I have been through quite a bit yet no matter what you have stuck by my side which I have always been grateful for. I love you Ryan. Thank you for being there for me" Shane said before reaching up and turning the camera off.

"I will always be there for you Shane, I just need you to come back to me" Ryan whispered tears falling down his cheeks. 

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