Reason 5

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"Hi Ryan, me again. I hope if you are watching this then nothing has happened to our friendship because of my feelings for you" Shane started, Ryan quickly paused the video before looking down at Shane's unconscious body. The doctors didn't know whether Shane would pull through. They were talking with Shane's family about switching the machine keeping Shane alive off. Ryan hated the idea that he could lose Shane.

"Anyway moving on, reason five. You always make me coffee whenever I get into work. You live closer to work making it more likely for you to get there before me. Whenever I arrive no matter how late I might be you always make me a tea. It's like you know when I'm about to arrive and quickly make it before I get to my desk. I don't know what I would do if I ever arrived to work and find that you haven't made me anything" Shane spoke before turning the camera off. 

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