Ending 1 (He died)

978 40 10

Author's Note: Sooo hiya! After careful consideration and when I say that I mean I have lots of pressure to finish other stories and decided instead that I was going to add more work to my increasing pile of stories. I decided that I would in fact write a two part ending where Shane died and when he lived. I hope you enjoy either ending or both. This one is obviously when Shane died so prepare yourselves. Also thank you for everyone who had commented on this story I'm so happy many people enjoyed it. Anywho, enough ranting enjoy the chapter!

Ryan was a mess; he couldn't sleep, and he was barely eating. If it wasn't for Curly and some of his other friends at BuzzFeed checking in on him multiple times a day to make sure Ryan was still alive, then Ryan was fairly sure that he would have given up on looking after himself completely. The little he slept; his dreams were plagued with nightmares of Shane's accident. Each night when he dared to shut his eyes, he watched repeatedly as Shane fell through the floorboards and smashed his head on the ground. Each time Ryan would wake up in a sweat, and each time Ryan refused to fall back asleep that night.

A month later Ryan wasn't feeling any better and mostly he just wanted to stay in bed and do nothing, but today was Shane's funeral and Ryan would be disappointed in himself if he didn't attend. It was the last time he would be near Shane, so Ryan forced himself out of bed and into the shower. Curly had promised to pick him up around half twelve to take him to the funeral since no one include Ryan trusted him to drive himself there. Not in his heightened emotional state.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. He barely paid attention to Curly when he picked him up or to the people at the funeral telling him they were sorry for his loss and the funeral itself. Scott had asked if Ryan wanted to make a speech at the funeral, but Ryan knew he wasn't strong enough to say anything and he'd rather not break down in tears in front of a load of strangers. The only part of the entire day where Ryan was partly with it was for the burial.

"Goodbye Shane Madej, I love you" Ryan whispered as he watched Shane's coffin being lowered into the ground. Ryan knew his heart was being buried with the man he loved, and it would stay there until Ryan was reunited with Shane for their happily ever after in their afterlife.

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