Reason 2

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"My second reason is how strong your belief in ghosts are, you going to these "haunted" locations trying to find evidence to prove to people what you believe in is true and you never let anyone change your mind about your belief no matter what they say. It's something I can't help but admire, sometimes I try to think what it is like to have believing ghosts and sometimes I succeed but you know how my logical brain works Ry" Shane said small smile was present on his face as he spoke.

"I want every shanaic to understand and see how passionate you are when you are trying to explain that the place is haunted then get frustrated when I tease you about ghosts, it so cute. You are really cute Ry" Shane then added before switching the camera off.

Ryan looked down at his lap, he had no idea Shane thought that about him. Taking a few seconds to recompose himself, Ryan moved the cursor to the third video. 

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