Ending 2 (He lived)

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Author's note: So I hoped you liked the first ending this is an alternative where Shane lived instead. Enjoy!

Ryan was pulled out of his thoughts at the sound of his phone ringing. Ryan didn't look at the caller id, he just answered it.

"Hello?" Ryan said.

"Ryan, it's about Shane. He's alive. He woke up. The doctors have given him a thorough examination and whilst they can't be sure, they believe he's going to make it," Scott said, "Can you come to the hospital, Shane, he's asking for you. I'm sure he'd understand if you're at work, but if you can come after it would mean a lot to him".

"No, I'll be right over, BuzzFeed said, that I'm allowed to leave if we get a good or bad update on Shane's condition. They're worried about him too I guess" Ryan replied, quickly writing an email to his team letting them know that Shane's woken up and that Ryan will be at the hospital for the rest of the day before throwing his things into his bag and practically ran out the building and towards his car.

Ryan was fairly sure he had broken multiple speed limits driving through Los Angeles like a mad man pulling into the first available spot in the car park. Ryan couldn't care less what people thought of him as he ran through the corridors leading to the intensive care ward Shane was on. Ryan more or less attacked the intercom button and hated every second he waited until the ward receptionist answered and unlocked the ward doors. Shane's parents and brother were waiting outside Shane's hospital room.

"is he alright?" was the first words which came out of Ryan's mouth when he reached them. It scared him, Ryan could feel himself shaking. It had been ten, maybe fifteen minutes since he got off the phone with Scott. A lot could happen in that time. Ryan was scared that after waking up Shane took a turn for the worse and died before Ryan could get to him. Before, Ryan could tell him.

"He's awake," Shane's mother said, and Ryan felt his body relax, "go on inside, we'll going to get some coffee. Leave you two to talk".

Ryan nodded and watched as Shane's parents pushed the ward door open and disappeared through it, Scott briefly turning back and gave Ryan the thumbs up before disappearing too. Leaving Ryan alone with a door he knew he had to open but was scared to do so. It was like Schrodinger's cat. To Ryan, Shane was both alive and dead, but he wouldn't know which one it really was until he opened the box or well pushed open the door. Ryan took a deep breath; his hand was shaking as he opened Shane's single room door.

And looked at the bed. Ryan looked at the occupant of that bed and the occupant stared back.

"That was quick, did you break the speed limit or something getting here little guy" Shane said. His eyes widen slightly as he took in Ryan. The visible bags underneath Ryan's eyes worried Shane the most. That and the loss of weight. Ryan must have taken Shane's accident harder than he expected, considering it had mostly been Shane's fault that he was in this condition. The owners of the haunted house had warned them that some floorboards on the third floor were rotten and to be careful but Shane being the idiot he was, jumped on them to prove to Ryan that it was safe up here and well, that was the last thing he remembered before waking up in the hospital to his panicked yet relived family, "Aww, baby I didn't realise you cared so much".

"You're alive, you're actually alive" Ryan said dropping his bag to the ground and darted over to Shane throwing his arms around Shane's neck and buried his head in Shane's chest. He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that Shane was here, with him alive and well. He hadn't lost Shane like all his nightmares had taunted him.

"Yep, this is 100% Shane Madej back from the dead baby" Shane said trying to hug Ryan back. He had been in a coma for five months, so all the strength in his arms and legs had gone. It would be a long road of recovery, but it was worth it if he could hug Ryan again. He had to recover because he could feel Ryan shaking against him and Shane couldn't physically comfort him. "Hey little guy, I'm sorry for what I put you through, but I promise I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon".

"I love you Shane. I found the camera with all those videos on about what you loved about me and it made me realise how much you mean to me. I love how you joined unsolved to keep me happy and for the show to keep running after losing Brent, I love how even though you don't believe in ghosts you still came to all these haunted places with me. I love how no matter what, whether we're at work, at either of ours houses or out at a haunted location, you always make me laugh. I love everything about you, Shane, your gigantic head, your lanky limbs. I love how you're ridiculous tall. Hell, I love how invested you got with creating the Hot Daga story, no matter how much I protested. I just love everything about you big guy and I hate how it took you nearly dying on me to realise it," Ryan confessed.

"I love you too little guy" Shane said internally cursing at his weakened state because all he wanted to do was bring Ryan in close and to never let him go again.

"Never do that to me again, big guy" Ryan said, burying his head in his boyfriend's neck.

"I won't little guy" Shane replied kissing the top of Ryan's head. He would do nothing which would make Shane lose this precious man ever again.

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