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Diannes pov
The door finally opens . Danni comes rushing in . My mum smiles
"Dianne "Danni says
"JOEY" she says seeing joe
I smile
Joe picks up Danni and spins her round
"Hey Danni " he says putting her down
"Wanna come meet your new sister " I said
Joe lifted her up and Danni slowly touched her face.
"What's her name" Danni asked
"Danielle " Joe said
"That's like my name" She said
"you can look after her" Joe said
He's going to be the best dad in the world .
Danni stares at Danielle in pure joy for a few more minutes and then begins to talk to Zoe .
Joe puts his arm around me
He kisses my head.
I kiss his jaw and he smiles
The next day
Today was the day we went home. I swung my legs of my bed and got ready for the day. I put some shorts and one of Joes t-shirts on. I slowly packed my bags
Joe walked in and kissed me .
"Morning Suggy. You look tired" I said
"I am " He said
I smiled
"Same" I said
"I'll take these bags " Joe said
"Kay then I'll sign out and go put Danielle in the car" I said
I kissed Joe and we went down to reception.
I walked out of the hospital to see Joe waiting for me in a G Wagon.
He gets out and opens the door.
"Alright Suggy nice car" I said
He smiled and then kissed me.
He carefully took Danielle out of my arms and put her in the car seat.
I sat in the back next to her . She slept all the way home
We arrived home. I got out of the car.
Joe was getting my bags so I got Danielle .
We got in the lift and then joe opened the door.
We walk in the see the lads,Joes family and my family all in the living room
"What's going on here" I said with a smile
"In Zoe's words it's a gathering " Jack said
Joe kissed me
"I guess now we're all going to have hold your child" Jack says
Danielle begins to cry
"Don't think she likes you very much jack " I said Rocking her
Danielle wouldn't settle
I began to struggle,
Joe came over and  took her
He rocked and held her close
I walked over to Zoe and we all watched .
I began to tear up as Joe finally settled Danielle.
I stood up
He put her in her cot and hugged me
"We're going to be fine Buswell .I promise " He said
"I know Suggy " I said hugging him
"Joe we need to talk" Zoe said
"What about " He said
"Joe I thought I was going to lose you. You nearly died. Why didn't you tell anyone?" Zoe said
"I told Byron and I told Caspar " Joe said
"Well then tell me why they didn't tell me or mum and dad or Dianne. Joe I'm here for you. Dianne's here for you" She said
Zoe please don't do this now
"Zoe I didn't tell your or Dianne or anyone because I'm scared . Okay I'm scared . I'm confused and I'm scared . I don't want you to worry about me and I don't want Dianne to ether because she's got a career and a brand and two children to raise. I didn't want to bother anyone. Zoe I thought you of all people would understand " Joe said
I held onto Joes hand and he wrapped his arm around me .
"Zoe don't do this infront of everyone . We are leaving ." Alfie said. He grabbed there stuff and took Zoe's arm
"I'm sorry about Zoe ,Joe . I'll talk to you later " He said .
Zoe was out the door.
Alfie left
"Joe . Me and your Mum are  going to talk to Zoe . I'll see you later " he dad said
He hugged me and then Dianne
My mum hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.
They walked out the door.
"Mum, word in the kitchen please " I said
A few minutes later my mum had left.
Joe went upstairs
My mum took Danielle and Danni to her hotel.
Me and the lads were in the kitchen
I close the glass doors.

"Dianne , what are we going to do about Joe" Caspar said
I sat on the a stool. My head in my hands
"Caspar I really wish I could tell you" I said
"How long did you know" I asked
"I knew when I moved in. Dianne ,Joe told me that if I were to ever find him in the process of self harm to stop him" Byron said
"I found out 3 months after we moved in together we had so really deep chat." Caspar said
"Lads go home. Byron I'm going to talk to Joe alone . I don't want answer I just want to know what's going on inside his head. I know he means a lot to you lads and he means the world to me " I said
"He means a lot you right" Caspar said
"Caspar he means everything to me and I couldn't imagine my life without him" I said
"Take care of my best friend for me " He said
I stood up and hugged him
I hugged them all and they all left
I locked the doors and sat on the sofa. I fidgeted about a bit . I felt sick and dizzy just thinking about how I was going to ask Joe anything.
I walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water. I placed it down on the counter and paced around.
I heard footsteps on the stairs.
I see a piece of paper on the counter . I begin to read it to see its Joes note. As I read it over and over I begin to tear up. I crumble it up and throw it the ground.
I feel two arms around me as I cry
"Please don't cry Dianne" Joe said
"I let you leave Joe. Why didn't you tell me. It would have bothered me because Joe I would have loved you the same . Like when you still loved me when I told you about Danni and when we went on a break fort he first time you still loved me regardless. And I know even when we broke up I still loved you Joe. What happened in your head that made me a person you weren't able to talk to." I said crying into Joes chest
I felt tear drops on my shoulder
"Dianne I wanted to tell you. But it felt wrong . I was scared you would laugh or think I was joking. Dianne I wanted you tell you I just didn't want to add to your stress. When you left for Australia last Christmas I missed you everyday. When you wen to tour I had no one to talk to. When you were distancing yourself I felt ashamed . I felt ashamed of the person I was becoming. Dianne I thought you were leaving me" He said between sobs
I pulled away from Joe and he looked up at me.
"Joe if you had of jumped of that bridge that night I would have never forgiven myself . Joe what would I tell Zoe and your mum and Danni and our child and your best friends. That it was my fault . Because Joe it was my fault. I didn't tell you anything and you found out and thought I was cheating on you. I pushed you to that point and I'm sorry" I said
"Dianne Help me " Joe said

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