On Holiday

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June 2024
Dianne's Pov
Today we were going on Holiday . We're going to Maldives with Zoe,Alfie and The kids
Everyone is on the plane. In first class. Joes taking care of Dannie while I have Elle
At The Maldives
We go straight to bed . I settle the girls down in their separate room and then jump in bed with Joe.
"Can't believe we're getting married soon " I said
"2 months and you'll be Mrs Dianne Claire Sugg" Joe said
"That sounds lovely " I said
"I can't wait to call you my wife " Joe said
"I can't wait to call you my husband " I said
I kissed his jaw and we fell a sleep
7:30 the next morning
I woke up to see Joe unpacking some off our things .
I get up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I get up and joe kisses me on the head before I wake the girls and walk into the bathroom and got ready. I walked out with a maxi dress on and some black sandals . Joe was in shorts and a shirt. The girls were in dresses and sandals .
I got everything we needed and by the time we left our hotel room Its was 8:30. We walked downstairs to see Zoe , Alfie and Lily. We walk over and sit in our seats
Later on.
Zoe and Alfie had taken the girls to the pool.
We were sat on the beach..
"So I have something to tell you Joe " I said
"Your not pregnant again are you " Joe says
"No nothing  like that it's just I'm leaving Strictly for good " I said
"Dianne are you sure " Joe said
"I'm positive. I'm thinking about opening a dance studio" I told Joe
"Well I support you no matter what " Joe said
Later in the evening
When Dianne and Danni are alone
"Dianne what happened to my mum and dad. You never seem to talk about them " Danni asked
"Danni do you really want to know " I said anxiously
"I need to know. I've wondered for a while but I didn't want to ask " She said
"Your mum wasn't very well . She lied to a lot of people . She faked her own death after having you and fled the country . You were born in Australia . Your dad was so heart broken after your mum dies that he was going to put you up for adoption. I had to stop him or I would never forgive myself . So I adopted you . When you are 2 your dad passed away in a car crash. He was drunk and he also killed two other people . After 4 year I got offered a place on Strictly and I moved to England . I did all the paperwork and you travelled back and forth from England to Australia . Then I met Anthony and you didn't come as much. I didn't want him to hurt you so I lied to my mum and said that I was busy. Then I met Joe . He was the first person I told everything to . You and him were like two peas in a pod and you still are " I explained to Danni
"Dianne what did Anthony do to you " Danni asked
"Just know you only met him once . And I did that to protect you Okay " I said . Tears fell down my face
"Don't cry " She said hugging me
"Don't worry about me babe I'm fine " I said wiping my eyes
"Thanks Dianne for everything " She said
"I did it all for you babe and your going to turn into a strong woman " I said
"How about you go play with Elle and I'll go sort out a film " I said
"Okay " She said
She went into the girls room and I sat on the bed tears flowing down my face
"Dianne what happened " Joe said
He sat beside me and I hugged him
"I told Danni about Emma " I said
"I'm proud that you did that Dianne it's difficult to talk about something like that ."Joe said
"Joe there's something I never told you. " I said
"Dianne ...
"Anthony abused me .
Joe hugged me tightly
"I'm so sorry Dianne " Joe said
"I'm so sorry Joe " I said
"Don't you apologise for what he did to you. He can't hurt you anymore and if he does I will find him and I will punch him " Joe said
Joe sat me on him knee and I kissed him
"Can we just forget everything about our ex's for once and enjoy ourselves" Joe said
"Of course " I said
Thirst person
Joe and Dianne spent the next week doing some crazy things. Dianne faced a lot of her fears and so did joe  . One thing never changed though. Joe and Dianne always did it together. The kids seemed happier now that Joe and Dianne were happy and Zoe and Alfie realised that they were happier . Everything was great . Zoe and Dianne had grown even closer and so had Joe and Alfie . All the kids were getting along . Even Zoe and Joe has grown close. Dianne and Alfie also became close .
Joes pov
"You know we should go on holiday more often " Dianne said as we all walked down the beach
"Definitely agree with that .This has been one of the best weeks of my life " Zoe said
"You can say that again" I said
"We May not be able to crash on your honeymoon but Dianne when you next go to Australia can you take us with you " Alfie said
"I would be more than happy to " Dianne said

My little Glitterball
Chapter end
So I have two more chapters and this book is over. You may want another sequel . I'm sorry my schedules for posting these has been a mess school has been stress overload. And I've been dealing with some arseholes . Anyway I've finished writing the end ding to this book and I would prepare you self with some tissues because I can't read it back without crying .
Also can we talk about how on the tour Joe fell and Dianne went down with him 🤣🤣. Just me .

My Little Glitterball  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now