I Understand

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Diannes pov
I sat on my bed . My phone still in my hand. I felt so confused and scared . Who the hell is messing with me now. First it was Anthony and Brittney and then it was Josh and now it's this random person. This feels like the plot of a movie.
I put the piece of paper in my bag and quietly left the room because Dainelle was sleeping. I walked downstairs to here talking and laughter.
I entered the living room to see Oli and Mikey we're trying to dance.
"Here's the professional dancer " Jack said
"What are you lot doing " I said
"Filming a video" Joe said
"Thanks for the warning " I said smiling looking straight at the camera .
There was a knock at the door
"joe how many people did you invite"I say walking to the door to see Zoe and Alfie
"Hi Zoe" I said hugging her
We pulled away and I hugged Alfie
We walked into the living room where the lads were messing around playing Truth or Dare. We all go sat down and watched the lads film.
An hour later
There was a knock at the door.
Joe walked to the door,
He came back with a confused look on his face and holding a red rose with a label attached to it
"This was outside the door and Dianne it's for you" Joe said
He handed me the rose
"Rose are Red
Violets are Blue
Come and find me
Because I found you
Love xxxx
"What does it say "joe said
"Oh my god" Zoe said
"Joe that's her writing " Zoe said
Joe read the label
"Its Emma's writing " Joe said
The boys all looked at Byron
"That's impossible she's dead" Byron said
"Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on" I said
"Okay then. Back in 2015 Byron's sister Emma came to stay with me and Caspar . And so did Byron. We dated for six months and then she was killed by a plane crash because we broke up and she flew back early . Emma and I weren't great together. It was a lot of fighting and arguments. Things just didn't work out and she left." Joe said
"Joe if this girls dead there is no way in hell she stalking me " I said
"Emma had a unique way of writing there is no way anyone else could have replicated it" Byron said
"Unless it's...
There was a loud banging at the door.
Joe ran to the door. I followed him
Joe open d the door
"Why the hell are you sending me random text messages and roses" he said
"I have honestly no idea what your talking about" I said
"It has to be you Dianne there no way in hell anyone knows the kind of things this persons been sending me " Anthony said
"If you've been sending Dianne rose and creepy messages . Remember Halloween last year when you punched me . Yeah You'll be the one on the floor and I'll be the one walking way "Joe said
Joe slams the door shut.
" I will find who's doing this no matter what it takes. Dianne why didn't you tell me" Joe said
"It's only just started " I said
"I'll get to the bottom of this I promise" Joe said
"Joe can I talk to you alone please" Byron said
"I'll be back Dianne I promise" Joe said
Joes pov
Me and Byron were outside
"Bro there something I need to tell you but I don't wanna say it because you've done so much for me and your a great dude and . Okay I'm moving out. I've found a place not that far from here . I just wanted to let you know first ".Byron said
I hugged him
We pulled away from the hug
"Byron. I'm happy for you. I hope you moving out wasn't anything to do with the kids" I said
" No believe me it wasn't . I love those kids. It's just you and Dianne need your space and I need mine and your house is getting very crowded and I didn't want to get int the way to much" Byron said
"Well I'm happy to have you back anytime " I said
I hugged him.
We walked back inside.
I saw Dianne talking to Caspar and Zoe.
Dianne nodded her head at them and then looked up at me .
She smiled .
Then we all heard the sound of a screaming  baby.
At that moment Dianne jumped up and ran upstairs me following her
She burst open the door .
Dainelle was on the bed. Her cot was on the floor.
Dianne rushed over to her
"It's okay. Mummy's here Don't cry"Dianne said
I saw a note on the floor
Next time you tell your boyfriend about me it will be your children that pay the price
Love xxxx
I scrunched it up and threw it to the ground
"Someone's been in here " Dianne said
"When I find out who it is there dead" I said
"Joe that tried to hurt our child . We need to call the police "Dianne said
"What if they try something else" I said
"Take a photo and keep the notes . If we have to turn any of this into the police we have it " Dianne said
I sat on the bed
"I understand that your scared Dianne but no one can hurt you and they can't hurt our children ether " I said
That what you think

Chapter end

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