The Truth

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"It's been so long Dianne" She said with a phycotic smile
"Give me Danni" I yelled
"Give me Joe" she yelled back
"You shouldn't have left then . Emma I thought I knew who you were and you lied. You left me . I thought we trusted each other and I thought you loved me . I could never forgive you for what you did to me and my friends and my family. What you did to your family. We can't forgive you because we now have a hard time trusting you because your whole life was a lie" joe yells
"Joe I love you and I regret leaving it's just people were trying to hurt us and it was better that I was gone . You would have gotten hurt and I could ever let you be hurt . Joe I love you" Emma hello
My blood boiled . She's trying to steal Danni and my man.
"You lied to me Emma. I could never forgive you. You betrayed me and you are a liar . Give me  Danni " joe yelled
"Never . Not as long as you come with me Joe. We are meant to be together . Your not meant to be with her" Emma yelled
"Emma you've supposedly been dead to me for around seven years now. " I yelled
"Well the one rule of friendship is don't go after you mates ex's" she yelled
"I thought you were DEAD. You don't realise in that sick twisted brain of yours that actually you were dead for around seven years. But then everyone finds out no. You were living in London hooking up with  every man you could find . I didn't know you dated Joe Sugg. I fell in love . After you faked your OWN DEATH I fell in love and you will never take that away from me . You lied, cheated and ran away from everything in your life  and Emma that's the harsh truth. Your mentally unstable . " I yelled
Tears were streaming down me and Emma's face
"Dianne I thought we were friends and I could trust you " Emma said
"Emma. That's what I thought about you until you hooked up with MY BOYFRIEND. Got yourself pregnant and then faked your own death. And I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU" I yelled
"I didn't mean to GET PREGNANT. Your boyfriend came on to ME.ITS NOT MY FAULT HE DIDN'T LOVE YOU" she yelled
What the fuck did she just say
Oh bitch it's going DOWN
I began to walk up to her quickly
Joe tried to hold me back but I pushed him away. I walked over and slapped her
She touched her face.
"Bitch" I said
Shoes to slap me and I mice out of the way.
I grab her shirt and get up in her face
"Don't you ever blame anyone other than your self for what you did. You left your daughter for seven years and I will make sure you never even see her again. You left . You should have never left. Things would have been different Emma. Maybe we could still be friends. Maybe I wouldn't have to take back Danni. Your daughter. I love her and I will do anything for her . You've kidnapped her and then held her as a hostage and as ransom. When your in jail you won't be able to touch Joe or Danni" I said .
I let go of her shirt and the police came in. Joe took me away . I saw the police untying Danni.
Tears began to stream down my face
I just found out the truth.
The harsh and sad truth

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