I Love You Dianne Buswell

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3 years later
Strictly Finale 2023
Today we are performing on the Strictly finale . I'm so nervous .
Dianne was had three different partners over the past three years. I could never watch as I felt jealous. Dianne's always got to the semi finales and then got kicked out . She's never had a 40. Caspar and Ambar got married last year. Poppy and Sean got married the year before . Zoe and Alfie had another baby and got another pug. Emma is in a mental health hospital. Danni is 12 and Elle is 5. Byron and Emily are married . All the lads are married now except me. No one knows what's about to happen apart from the producers and the pros .We're performing our Waltz.  . All my family , friend and Dianne's family are in the audience . This is it .
"You ready " Dianne said sitting in the sofa beside me
"Ready as I'll ever be " I said
"Your going to do great I know you will " Dianne said .
"Dianne can I borrow you " A producer said popping her head around the door .
While Dianne was not looking she nodded at me .
I'm really doing this . Oh my god.
I walked over to my bag and took out a black box. I opened it to see the beautiful ring I had chosen with Kevin. Or had red and white diamonds on it .
"Joe Your needed backstage " Kevin said from around the door .
I closed the box
"Okay " I said
I put the box in my pocket I walked over to Kevin and he patted my back
"Good luck " he said
"Thanks " I said
As I walked down the corridor everyone smiled and winked at me
Dianne was waiting for me back stage .
We walked onto the stage and got in out starting positions
"Next tonight we have a couple that won Strictly 5 years ago .
It's Joe Sugg and Dianne Buswell " Claudia said
Everyone clapped
We began to dance beautifully
As the dance began to end . I felt the nerves
We walked over to the log and as the music ended. I took the box out of my pocket and got down on one knee .
Dianne looked at me with shock
"Dianne where do I start. I met you on this show 5 years ago and everyday I've spent with you had been the best days of my life . You've helped me through the bad and the good and you are the best thing that's ever happened to me . Dianne you mean the world to me . I said I would never bee able to dance but I also said I would never fall in love , i said  would never get married and I said I would never have kids . Dianne you changed my  Life the minute you walked into it and I'm so thankful for everything you've done for me these past five years . Now Dianne I guess I should ask you. Will you By any chance like to Marry Me?" I asked Dianne
She looked at me with tears in her eyes
"Oh Joe Of course I'd love to " She said .
I out the ring in her finger . I stood up and hugged her tightly
Everyone was cheering and clapping .
"I love you Dianne Buswell " I said in her ear
All the pros were surrounding us .
We pulled away and everyone hugged us .
After the show
We were sat In Dianne's dressing room
Dianne was sat on my knee hugging me
"I still can't believe it " Dianne said still tears in her eyes
"Nether can I " I said with a smile
"You mean the world to me " Dianne said
"You mean the world to me to " I said
I kissed her
"I love you Dianne Buswell " I said

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