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i thought my #2 imagine would be about joshyyyy
hope you enjoy xo
btw y/l/n is your last name and y/e/c is your eye colour 💞

tuesday 13th 2018
maths classroom
y/n's pov-
today, i was stepping into my least favourite lesson of the week, maths.

you are probably wondering why i hate maths and the simple answer to that is im absolutely shit at it!

oops sorry excuse my spanish, i mean im not very good at it!

plus the one boy in the whole school that everyone seems to love except me is in it as well.

this boy goes by the name of joshua bradley.

even his name makes me feel sick.

joshua bradley can only be described as a well-built, annoying little boy.

emphasis on the little.

he acts like a 2 year old.

but to others, they see a gorgeous blue-eyed, brown-haired god.

with an amazing body and the most beautiful smile.

their words, not mine.

walking into class is not so bad because he is always late but as soon as he walks in the room everybody's heads seem to snap in his direction and their eyes stay fixated on him until he plops himself down on his seat.

luckily, he sits in front of me meaning he's not sitting beside me constantly annoying me!

but that doesn't seem to stop him from turning around and asking me all sorts of questions like "whens the date then princess?" or "did you know clothes are 100% off at my house?" i know, ew!

that second one is deadly.

my best friends all think he's a dream and that i should be "totally grateful. he doesn't even look at me, let alone talk to me" in their stupid, high-pitched girly voice.

they say im ruining their chances but if i had it my way i would make sure he spoke to them over me any day.

anyway, back to josh, even though he walks into every maths lesson late he still seems to be the best at it.

you know that person who puts 0 effort into everything they do and they get 100% marks on every test and then when they get 98% they say oh i didn't do that well to be honest whereas i get 30% in every maths test i do.

ugh, it's so frustrating.

why does he have to be so good at everything he does?

snapping me out of my thoughts, my teacher shouts "y/n y/l/n if you would stop staring at mister bradley over here you might be able to make an attempt on getting over 30% in your test next time huh?"

i replied, sighing "yes, mrs.bradley."

yes, my teacher is josh's mum.


josh surprisingly (not) turned around to say something but i cut him off by saying "josh im really not in the mood right now so don't you dare say what you were going to say" through gritted teeth.

"that is the final straw! mrs.y/l/n and mr.bradley you will see me after class, please. i need to talk to the both of you."

well, there goes my chances of having an alright maths lesson.

leaning back into my chair i decided to try and concentrate for the rest of this lesson but not after whispering "fuck you" to josh who was just sitting there smirking at me, knowing he'd gotten under my skin.

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