"Let me make you a deal?" ~ Simon

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This one is about *insert drum roll* SIMON EDWARD MINTERRR
This one is a bit of a different one (thank god) than the rest funnily enough.
I ain't gonna write the same imagine over and over again am I?
Ha got u there PRANKEDDDD
anyway imma let u read this imagine that's probs gonna be shizzle hehe

Today was the day of the charity match and I couldn't have been prouder of my boys.

They had everything set up.

The training, which believe me is hard to arrange was twice a week for 2 hours plus they had to create the kits and they had to get the YouTubers in the first place and finally they have to sell so many tickets to make sure they didn't let the charity down.

I am beyond happy for them.

Except for one.

His name happens to be Simon Minter and I hate every bone in his body.

He believes he is the best thing since sliced bread and being handed the role of the captain of Sidemen FC for 3 years has inflated his ego way too much.

This is, as I said, the 3rd year of Simon being captain of Sidemen FC and he feels as if him being captain is suddenly the key to my heart.

For the longest time, Simon has been trying to get me to go out with him, as a joke obviously, he would never really like me.

The prick.

But I'm sorry I'm not having that cocky little bitch beside me all the time telling me about all of his good "achievements" and about how "good" he is.

I would rather die to be honest.

Speaking of the devil, Simon has now unfortunately felt the need to approach me.

I was currently waiting for the boys to exit the changing rooms so I could say good luck and hug both teams and then depart to my seat on the bench.

Luckily, Josh allowed me to sit on the bench but only after announcing to the fans that I could not come on as a sub but at least I got to be with all my friends on this beautiful day.

All the Sidemen except him saw me as a comforter, someone they go to when they're lost or need someone to hug.

I was the little sister in their eyes and I love every second of it.

They're like my family.

"What are you thinking about? Is it me again?" Simon said with a wide smirk on his face.

Oh, if only I could smack that handsome smirk off his face.

"I wasn't really planning on being sick today, so why on earth would I do that?" I said innocently with a pout on my lips which quickly turned into a smirk of my own on my face.

After my insult, I saw Simon's smirk fade for a second but quickly he got it back up and running, "I know it's what you dream of. Me and you, kissing in your bed. Me running my hands down your sides and kissing your neck."

"Ohh the flashbacks of all my nightmares are coming back. Anyway, what makes you think that I would do that?" I asked curiously.

"Josh told me he heard you moaning my name but only walked in on you asleep. Obviously having a wet dream about me."

"N-No I never. I'm gonna kill Josh. Simon, I swear I've never done that. Please believe me." I said stuttering trying to remember whether I have actually done that or not.

For my sanity, I hope he's only lying to get under my skin.

"Aww is little Y/N stuttering? Let me make you a deal? If the Sidemen win I get to do whatever I want and if we lose you get to do whatever you want, seeing as you clearly want me." He said deviously, obviously thinking he is going to win.

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