Chapter 2

36 3 7

Previously on Washed at Sea...

_^_ *****

"What's the matter sweety?"

She was scared but she couldn't help it. She sighed and looked in her eyes and asked in a low voice.





"Who are you?" 

_^_ *****

"W-what?" The woman asked, "Y-you don't know who w-we are?"

"No." The girl answered looking down.

"Oh no!" The woman answered and the dam that was holding her tears at bay broke and rolled down her cheeks. She ran out of the room with her husband following close behind.

She went out and leaned against the wall. She couldn't stop the torrent of tears that was now flowing down her face. Her husband came to her and put a hand around her shoulders and the woman leaned into him. The man rubbed her hair as she cried into his chest.

"Now now, calm down Neeta. We'll figure it out."

"I know. But she can't remember us Palitha!" The woman answered back, her voice muffled by the fabric.

"Let's go inside now. The girl must be freaked out."

"Yeah. Yeah I guess we should."

The couple entered the hospital room. The girl was sitting on the bed, her legs hugged to herself. And she was rocking back and forth with her chin on her knees.

The woman carefully approached her, careful not to startle her and sat on the chair next to her bed. The girl didn't seem to care if they were in the room or not. 

Time passed by with none of them making a single sound. The girl has stopped rocking back and forth and was now laid on the bed with her legs stretched out in front of her. She leaned her head on the headboard. There was a million thoughts running through her head at the moment, but none of them important. She remembered different thing about the world. She knew somehow that she was in Sri Lanka and general stuff, like how the world was like, birds and animals, plants... heck she even remembered the name of the president of the country. It was as if what she didn't remember was about herself.

She wasn't worried about the couple inside the room. She felt guilty about not remembering them. To her they seemed important... but not how. She was about to rip her hair out of frustration when the door opened and the doctor walked in. She had a brief talk with the man and the couple walked out.  She had met the doctor before, but at the time it had been in a rush, so she didn't get to talk to her. The doctor came to me and checked the report that was hanging at the edge of my bed. She was a fair woman. Not very tall at 5'2". She had a kind face though the tiredness was reflected by her chocolate brown eyes. Her long black hair was tied up in a messy bun, a few escaped strands hung around her face. She looked about 30, but  she guessed that the doctor was prettier than others her age.

She finished inspecting the report and hung it on the hook where it belong. She looked up at her and smiled a genuine smile, unlike others who run around with fake cherry smiles. She came and sat on the chair next to her bed.

"So how you feeling now?"

She decided to be honest with her. "Like crap." She admitted and shrugged. "I mean I don't know anything that's going on..." She looked at the doctor to see her nodding like she expected it. "... And I have a feeling that you know what's wrong." She finished.

The doctor sighed. "Now here's the thing. I'm not gonna sugar coat anything. The results of the report has confirmed that you have... Amnesia."

She inhaled sharply. She had her suspicions, but the doctor's words just confirmed it. "Why?"

The doctor hesitated. "I think it's better if they tell you." She said gesturing to the couple who were back in the room. "I'll come back in half an hour." She said and left.

 The woman came near her, and sat on the chair. "I'm sorry if I freaked you out. You wouldn't know."

"No. Actually I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't have acted rude. It's just that I don't know what's going on..." She paused a little before speaking again. "Will you help me?"

"Of course sweety." She said softly rubbing the tears that I didn't realize I had shed off my cheeks. "What do you want to know first?" She asked smiling. There was a genuine concern in her eyes.

"Everything... But first let's start with my name?" She asked nervously. 

The woman chuckled. "Okay. So you're name is Kamali. Kamali Gamage."

"Kamali..." It sounded vaguely familiar in her ears, but not entirely. She somehow knew it was true.

"And you are?"

"We are your parents sweety though you don't remember. I'm Neeta and your father is Palitha."

"Mom? Dad?" Kamali couldn't be more happier. She grabbed her mother's hand and pulled her into a hug, and her dad came and put his arms around both of them, hugging them.

Kamali couldn't remember but she knew they were family. And she wouldn't have asked for anything more.


Word count: 852

Date published: 04/01/2018

I know it sounds cliche but I that's all I could come up with right now. Until next time.

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Love yourself and everyone close to your heart!


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