Chapter 6

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Well... was there anyone who would look forward to a Monday morning? She didn't really know. But she did know that she didn't. Well... tsunami or not school was inevitable. It hadn't even crossed her mind that she had to go to school... Not until her mother mentioned it a month back. It's been almost two months since the tsunami and she hadn't went to school. She didn't need to. Because she faced a target exam in the beginning of December and hadn't received the results yet. But her school which was private intended on starting early whereas public schools didn't start until April.

She looked at herself in the mirror while her mother put her hair in two simple braids. Her uniform was a white frock with a blue tie that had the school emblem sewn on it.

"Things will be different at first Kamali. But don't worry. The school and your classmates knows of your current condition."

Her mother told her. She knew that things will be different and that she'll be getting a lot attention. And they will know that she has Amnesia. She didn't know if it was a good thing or not. Apparently no one had though she was going to survive. She hadn't sustained a lot of injuries, but her vitals were low -probably due to the trauma, they said-  but they had increased rapidly over a short period of time. The principal had informed her parents that her friend had been called and was informed to show her around and make her familiar. Her name was... Thamasha. She felt stupid all of a sudden.

"I know you're worried. And things might be weird, but it's just for a short time. Things will get better soon. Everything will be fine once you get your memories back."

Her mother told her again at her lack of responce. To this she only nodded.


Kamali knew that she normally didn't go to school with her parents. She normally used the school bus, but her parents were taking her to school today.

They stopped in front of the school gate at 7.00am. School starts at 7.30. There were a lot of kids scrambling to get inside. There were a lot of school vans and buses that left after dropping off the kids. Kamali's father stopped the car a little before the entrance and they got out. Kamali shouldered her school bag before going after her parents.

Just before they reached the entrance a girl waved at them. She was fair and had waist length long black hair and black eyes. She looked familiar. So the girl waved and came towards them.

"Hi aunty! Hi uncle! Hi Kamali! Good morning!" She greeted rapidly when she reached them. Kamali responded with a small 'Hi!', while her parents sported million dollar smiles.

"Kamali, this is Thamasha." Her father said and Kamali's mouth turned to a small 'O' shape. "We told you about her earlier."

"Hi! Sorry... I didn't- couldn't remember." Kamali apologised to which Thamasha only shrugged.

"Oh don't worry girl! You know it's okay." Thamasha said making Kamali smile a little.

"Ok then. Now that you've met your friend, we'll leave you here and she can show you the rest. We're coming to pick you up at 1.45." Kamali's mother told her and they left. But not before placing a kiss on top of her head.

Kamali watched them leave and turned back to Thamasha who was looking at her with a strange look on her face.

"What?! Is there something on my face?" Kamali asked and that broke her out of her stupor.

"No nothing. Let's get you up and running!" Thamasha smiled a large cherry smile and grabbed her hand pulling her towards the school.


"So what do you think?" Thamasha asked as they came out of their class after school was over. They didn't have to do work for a whole week. And they did whatever they want as long as it was allowed by the school.

"Well... it seems weird and yet familiar at the same time."

She answered nodding to herself. She was surprised that even if she didn't remember her fellow classmates she found them familiar. The doctors had said that it was normal to feel like it and it might mean that her memory is starting to come back. So she didn't worry. And the class teacher Ms. Medini Rathnayaka was more than helpful and kind. She had a feeling that she was going to simply love this school year.

"You'll be okay soon Kamali. I know it." Her cheerful and hyper friend said being serious for once as they reached the entrance and Kamali's parents waved her over to them. To go back home.

"Yeah. I do hope so too."


Word count: 799

Date published: 20/07/2019

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