Chapter 3

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The last few days had been a rush of emotions for Kamali. She had only recently come into terms with her memory loss, not that she had any choice in that matter.

Right now she was sitting in the backseat of her parents' car looking out of the window. She was discharged from the hospital just today. Her father was driving the car while her mother was seated on the passenger seat. A song was being played softly on the radio. She listened to the song not recognizing it and instead payed attention to her parents' conversation. They were discussing something about politics. She knew somehow that she was never interested in those stuff and continued to look out of the window. Watching as the trees buzz past.

_^_ *****

After driving for about half an hour the car turned right to a small road and drove a couple of meters before stopping in front of a red coloured gate. Kamali's mother got out of the car and walked to the gate to open it. Her dad turned the car entering small garden and into the garage.

Kamali got off and looked around. She walked to the garden and looked back at the house. It was a one storey house but was quite long. The walls were painted white. There was a swing right in front of the house. The paint was chipped in some places and the chains were rusted indicating that it was a few years old.

She heard her mother close the gate behind her. She looked around the garden to see grass grown on the ground. There were a lot of trees and plants grown. It was neat in a messy way.

"So... what do you think?" Kamali's mom asked her. "Do you like it?"

"Hmm. Well it is my house." She answered not looking back at her.

"Now let's go inside." Her mom said and went to the door and took out the keys and put it in the keyhole. The door opened with a  click. Neeta looked back at her daughter and smiled at her before pushing the door open.

Kamali stepped inside and looked around. The house itself felt welcoming, cozy, homely and familiar. She had no problem believing that she lived here.

"Come on. I'll show you your room" Neeta said leading her to a room at the other end of the house.

She walked into her room. It was small but had everything that she wanted. There was a desk placed against the wall in front of her. There was also a window there so she need not worry about the light during the day time. To her left was a bed and the cupboard which had her clothes as her mother told her. To her right was a wooden shelf on which she guessed was her school books were placed.
There was also a steel cupboard next to it. Feeling interested she stepped up to it and opened the door. Inside were a lot of books.

"Are these all mine?" She asked amazed.

"Yeah. You loved to read a lot and you wanted to have the books with you." Her mother answered.

She ran her hand along the spines of the books. Her eyes gleamed as she looked at them. She surely was gonna read those again. If she hadn't already.

"Why don't you go and have a wash now. After that we'll have tea." Her mother said and left the room after showing her where the bathroom was.

She took a towel and a set of clothes and headed to the washroom. After having a wash, drying herself and changing into her clothes she looked in the mirror.

The reflection that stared back at her from the mirror was still unusual to her. She was 5'5". Not overly tall or short for her age. Just average for a 16 year old girl. She had cream coloured skin with a slight tan. Her black hair that reached well past her shoulders hung in tangles around her thin face. Her eyes weren't black, but a very dark brown. There were a lot of similarities between she and her mother not much with her father though. Still... she was uncomfortable in not recognizing herself.

She quickly came out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen where her mother was making hoppers.

"Oh! You're quick. Normally you take more time than this."

She laughed nervously at it and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Anyways. You hungry?"

"Nah. But that doesn't mean I won't eat." She answered and both of them laughed.

_^_ *****

After dinner was over both Neeta and Kamali went to wash the dishes.

"Hey mom! Where did dad go?" Kamali finally asked when her curiosity won over her.

"He's at work honey. He called and said that he'll be late today."

Kamali nodded. Both Kamali and Neeta worked together and finished the dish washing and were sitting in the living room when another thing clicked to her.


"Hmm...?" Neeta asked not looking up from the book she was reading.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah. Go on." Neeta said placing the bookmark to mark the page and closed it looking up.

"Okay." Kamali said taking a deep breath. "W- what happened that c- caused me to have Amnesia?"

Neeta took her glasses off before sighing loudly. "How am I gonna say this to you? I was planning on telling you this at some point... Just not this quickly." Concern was lacing every bit of her voice.

"What happened mom?" Kamali asked worried.

"It was the Tsunami."


Word count: 921

Date published: 17/01/2018

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