Chapter 4

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Previously on Washed at Sea...


"W- what happened that c- caused me to have Amnesia?"

Neeta took her glasses off before sighing loudly. "How am I gonna say this to you? I was planning on telling you this at some point... Just not this quickly." Concern was lacing every bit of her voice.

"What happened mom?" Kamali asked worried.

"It was the Tsunami."


The words echoed inside Kamali's head. It was so absurd that she couldn't wrap her head around the idea. It was weirder than learning that she had Amnesia.

"It's- It's not possible mom! That can't happen..." Kamali faltered in her words. "Tsunamies don't happen in Sri Lanka mom." She barely let out the words in her shocked manner.

Neeta sighed loudly and rubbed a hand against her face.
"That's what everyone else thought as well."

"But- but how?" She couldn't even form a sentence properly. Sri Lanka has never had a tsunami before. The only incident that could've been passed as a tsunami had happend centuries ago when kings ruled.

Neeta was exhausted... She had lot much to the tsunami. Her sister and her son and her daughter's memories.
"I know it can't be believed, but it's true. I wouldn't lie to you about anything Kamali and specially not that"

She looked in great sorrow as her daughter searched for words that wasn't there her eyes darting around in uncertainty. She had planned on telling her. It was her right after all. But she would've waited a little while longer. She only came into terms with her memory loss recently. But she should've known. Her daughter was smart. Too smart for her to keep things from Kamali a while longer. She should've known that she would've asked that question when she was curious about why she had Amnesia.

Kamali didn't want to believe it. But she knew that her mother was not lieing to her. She sighed.

"I know it's not believable sweety. I wouldn't have either if I hadn't seen it myself."

Kamali caught on the deep sorrow in her mother's voice. She felt a sudden pang of guilt in her chest for causing her mother pain.
"I'm sorry mom... if I hurt you..."

"No it's okay sweety. I know you hadn't intended to."

"Let's not talk about it then..." Kamali desperately wanted to know but she couldn't hurt her mom further. She knew there were some stuff that she was keeping from her. But it's her mother's choice to tell her or not.

"No no. We can talk about it. We should talk about it." Her mother answered almost instantly.
"I know you want to know more about the tsunami. I can't tell you much. But the internet always helps right?"
Her mother asked laughing.

"Yeah. You're right." Kamali said as she laughed along side her.


Kamali rubbed her eyes after reading a long article about the tsunami that happened. Not just because of the glare of the screen, but also because of the facts she read. Wikipedia was too good sometimes.
The earthquake that caused the tsunami was cause because of a rupture along the Burma plate and the Indian plate. It was one of the largest earthquakes that's ever happened. The magnitude of it has caused earthquakes as far as Alaska... A lot of countries have been affected. Including Indonesia, India and Thailand... The death count was so high... over 31 000 in Sri Lanka. She couldn't believe it.

"So... you read it?" Her mother asked in a small voice when she came back to the living room and plopped on the couch.


Neeta was okay with the one word answer. She knew how hard it was to her daughter. It was a miracle that she even survived. So she smiled softly at her.

Kamali sighed. It had been tiring. But she wasn't ready to go to sleep. Not yet. So she got up and walked to the tv. She did know how it worked. She plugged it in and grabbed the remote. She came back and sat back on the couch. Her mother hasn't said anything yet.

"Hey mom! Is there anything you'd like to watch?" She asked while switching on the tv.
Some kind of movie was playing. Apparently it was called Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. The name was familiar and she recognized it as one of the books she had with her. She also somehow knew she had already watched the movie. So she started flicking through channels. Until she funds some thing interesting or until her mother suggests something.

"Oh! It's Sunday today. And it's 10.15... Oh my! I almost forgot! Put on channel number 1." Her mother spoke up.

And they watched the musical programme together where the invited person chose ten songs he/she liked and explains why he/she likes it. And they had a singer to sing them.


That night Kamali slept peacefully with the lyrics of songs ringing inside her head.


Word count: 831

Date published: 16/06/2019

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long. I can't say that I couldn't find time to do so. It's more like I wasn't that motivated... And homework from school and tuition added too. Well... basically I'm saying that I have no reason to apologise. So anyway really really really sorry to keep y'all from waiting.

And I wanted to tell you that what I mentioned about the Tsunami is true. I searched about it on the internet. And those are the facts that Wikipedia gave me. So please don't have any suspicions about the accuracy.

That being said, hope that y'all enjoyed the chapter and constructive criticism is appreciated. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Love yourself and everyone close to your heart!


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