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Sorry I don't update that much. I've had so much on my mind recently but I'll try to update.

What you are....

Thorin: Dwarf

Fili: Half dwarf/ Half human

Kili: Elf

Balin: Dwarf

Dwalin: Half elf/ Half dwarf

Bifur: Half Hobbit/ Half Dwarf

Bofur: Hobbit

Bombur: Dwarf

Oin:  Human

Gloin: Hobbit

Dori: Half Elf/ Half Hobbit

Nori: Half Human/ Half Elf

Ori: Human

Legolas: Dwarf

Thranduil: Half Elf/ Half Human

Bard: Wizard/Witch

Tauriel: Dwarf
I've also been really obsessed with the hobbit recently.
If there's anyone else you want me to add, just ask!
Someone commented a request a while ago, idk if they deleted it but I can't find it.
I'm so unorganised........

But feel free to request something!

I didn't need to look up the dwarves names! I remember them all off by heart...
Idk why you need to know that but oh well.....

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