Chapter 1

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With the sun shining through the window, it felt like eight o'clock. But really it was seven o'clock.

At least it's not a school day. It's Saturday. Spade thought, sitting up in bed. Spade hated school. She was failing math, and getting bullied constantly because of how she wasn't smart. The only thing she was getting A's in was mechanics. She loves building things and taking them apart. Spade goes to Stanford High. She's a sophomore, fifteen years old. Spade has brown eyes, and blonde hair that goes to her shoulders. She is really shy and doesn't talk much.

Her mom and dad always want her to do great things like her brothers. Germany, who is twenty and a doctor in Tokyo, Miko who is twenty two and is married to Lilac (his wife) who is about to have a baby, and Jake who is twenty two and is a successful astronaut. Spade, her mom named Mia, and her dad named Drake live in Orlando, Florida.

Spade reached for her phone on her nightstand. No new notifications, her phone said. Darn! She thought. I thought I would get an email today. Spade entered a robot contest with her robot and a friend. She was supposed to get an email saying if she won today. Spade got out of her bed and put on her slippers. Then, she grabbed her phone and walked downstairs.

"Hey honey," her mom said. "Look!" she showed Spade her phone. "Lilac had her baby! It's a girl and her name is Seattle!" she said excitedly.

"Cool." Spade said quietly. She walked to the fridge and got out a frost energy bar.

Her dad was sitting in the head spot at the table reading the newspaper and didn't even pay any attention to her. Spade sat in the chair next to her dad and picked at her energy bar.

"Don't forget honey, tomorrow we are going to drive down to the space center to see your brother's rocket go into space!" my dad said, still looking at his paper.

"What an overachiever!" my mom sighed. "Even Germany is coming from Tokyo!" she said excitedly. Her dad looked up from the paper and pulled out a chair for her. She sat down and looked at her phone some more.

Spade looked at her phone. "Oh what's this?" she said, faking that she got a text. "I have to go... um see Lily!" Spade said nervously. Her parents didn't even notice.

"Ok hon." her mom said.

Spade threw her energy bar in the trash and put on her shoes. She grabbed some money and headed out.

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