Chapter 4

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 "Keep in touch... ohhh" Spade's earbuds went. She was listening to V. Sweet's new song. Spade looked out the car window and saw lots of green. Bushes, trees, shrubs you name it. She looked at her watch. One more hour till her family reached the space center.

Can we make this day be over yet? Spade thought.

Ringgggg Ringggg her moms phone rang. Spade's mom picked her phone up.

"It's Germany!" her mom said excitedly. "Hello... Yes! Me too!.... Oh that's sad... I'm sorry... ughhh... ok I understand... I love you! Bye!." she got off the phone and looked at Drake.

"Germany has to do a surgery in Tokyo so he can not be here for the takeoff." Spade's mom said sadly.

"Well at least he is doing something good." her dad said, concentrating on the road.

"Yes. That's good." her mom said looking out the window.

Spade had only one earbud in the whole time and heard everything. She put her ear bud back in and looked out the window with one tear rolling down her face.

Germany has brown hair, and is very loud, he is always speaking in public. He has blue eyes and a little beard. He is always seen with a doctor jacket on. He also is very kind and considering. Miko is Spade's favorite brother. Her has brownish black hair and brown eyes. Miko is very funny, loving, and a prankster. He loves pranking people. Spade was his pranking partner. Jake was always distant. Very shy, but he always got good grades. Her was funny at some times, and kind too. He made it into NASA because he had a dream and he followed it.

I wish I could do that. Spade thought, looking out the window. Follow my dream. Why does everything I do have a repercussion? Why I am being constantly let down by what other people think of me? I am my own self. I can do anything!

Another hour passed and Spade's dad was pulling in the parking space that says, Campbell Family.

"Oh look! That's us!" her mom said, beaming with pride.

When they got out of the car, Spade looked around in wonder. There was so much technology!

They walked through the double doors of the station, Jake came running up to them.

"Hey guys! Right this way." he said, directing them back outside where a little car was waiting for them.

Spade's mom hugged him and questioned him halfway to the shuttle. How is life working here, are you excited to go to Mars, are you holding up well. Things like that. Her dad exclaimed how proud of him he was. Spade just looked down the whole entire time.

Jake looked at her, "Hey Spady," Spade looked up in surprise. "I heard you got second place in that robot competition! Congrats!"

"Oh... ya I did." she said nervously, flicking her fingers.

"So Jake, tell me about..." her mom went on and on. Spade's dad pulled out his phone and looked at it.

Why can't they pay attention to anything I do, just once! She thought.

The car came to an abrupt stop. Jake got out and opened the door for his family. When they got out they all looked up at the shuttle.

"Welcome to the launch pad." Jake said excitedly.

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